Streaming applications, represented by graphics and digital signal processing, have raised the demand for high parallelism, high performance and high bandwidth for microprocessors. The stream processor architecture for streaming application acceleration has been extensively studied. Most of the fluidic architectures integrate a large number of functional units, developing multi-level parallelism and storage to accelerate streaming applications, while increasing system power consumption and chip area. Analyzed and compared the mainstream stream processor architecture in recent years, a reconfigurable coprocessor for stream application acceleration was proposed. The co-processor for the flow characteristics of the application, to achieve the data-level and instruction-level parallel, and integrates multiple dynamic configuration of the computing unit can dynamically configure its operation types and data types to enhance system flexibility and reduce chip area. For the typical algorithm, the processor achieves a higher speedup, with a combined delay of 9.74ns and a power dissipation of 63.69mW.