Some Physiological Responses of Chinese Iris to Salt Stress

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Chinese iris (Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis (Fisch) Koidz.), a robust iridaceous plant, is widespread in arid and semiarid regions with high salinity. However, the mechanism of its salt tolerance is not well understood. In this study, plant growth, water status, content and distribution of inorganic ions, cell membrane permeability, and proline content of I. lactea under salt stress were investigated using nutrient solutions with six NaCl concentrations ranging from 0 to 350 mmol L-1. The results indicated that the biomass, height, fresh weight, K+ content, and K+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+ ratios decreased with increasing NaCl stress, whereas plant water deficit and contents of Na+ and Cl-increased with increasing NaCl stress. In all salt treatments, water deficit of shoots was found to be higher than that of roots and had a positive correlation with salt concentration. When the NaCl concentration was less than 280 mmol L-1, the ion absorption selectivity ratio and the transportation selectivity ratio sharply increased with increasing NaCl stress. Under medium salt stress, I. lactea exhibited a strong K+ selective absorption and the transportation of K+ from roots to shoots increased, whereas Na+ was not transported and was mostly retained in roots. The plants were able to maintain osmotic adjustment through the accumulation of Na+, Cl-, and proline. On the basis of its biomass production under salt stress, I. lactea could be considered as a facultative halophyte. Chinese iris (Iris lactea Pall. Var. Chinensis (Fisch) Koidz.), A robust iridaceous plant, is widespread in arid and semiarid regions with high salinity. However, the mechanism of its salt tolerance is not well understood. In this study, plant growth, water status, content and distribution of inorganic ions, cell membrane permeability, and proline content of I. lactea under salt stress were investigated using nutrient solutions with six NaCl concentrations ranging from 0 to 350 mmol L-1. The results indicated that the biomass, height, fresh weight, K + content, and K + / Na + and Ca2 + / Na + ratios decreased with increasing NaCl stress, but plant water deficit and contents of Na + and Cl- increased with NaCl stress. of the shoots was found to be higher than that of roots and had a positive correlation with salt concentration. When the NaCl concentration was less than 280 mmol L-1, the ion absorption selectivity ratio and the transportation selecti Under medium salt stress, I. lactea exhibited a strong K + selective absorption and the transportation of K + from roots to shoots increased, but Na + was not transported and was mostly retained in roots. to maintain osmotic adjustment through the accumulation of Na +, Cl-, and proline. On the basis of its biomass production under salt stress, I. lactea could be considered as a facultative halophyte.
摘 要: 教育是为社会输送人才的必经途径。通过教育,可以提高学生的素质,培养学生承担社会责任的能力。我国教育教学现状令人担忧,教学中存在的一些问题直接影响教育教学质量,影响学生的专业素养和人文素养。当前,作为普遍受到关注的问题,教育教学管理效果直接影响我国人才培养效率,关系我国未来建设事业的成功。作者基于工作实践,分析我国教育教学现状,并提出对策,以期为教学质量的提高提供参考思路。  关键词: 教
目的 讨论基于正念认知疗法的心理护理干预对乳腺癌化疗患者的负面情绪、生存质量的影响.方法 选取2017年7月~2019年7月在我院接受化疗治疗的乳腺癌患者126例作为研究样本,将
一、中职教学实施多元化评价的必要性  中等职业学校的教学具有提高学生素质和服务专业课的功能。随着国家对职业教育的重视,传统的教学方法难以满足各方面的要求,集中表现在以下三个方面:第一,侧重于知识的传授,以书本知识的掌握和运用为主,较少涉及考查学生的兴趣特长、自我认识、人际交往等方面能力,使评价内容与现实生活脱节,无助于学生解决实际问题;第二,评价形式多为标准化测验,并辅以书面、闭卷答题的统一要求,
摘 要: 在小学美术教学实践中,要注重培养学生的创新精神,提高美术实践能力,在民族文化精神的激励下,积极开拓思维。通过美术教学,启发小学生快乐学习,通过分析教学目标,逐步向加强素质教育方面发展。教师根据学生的审美文化情结,探索其本质需求,面对不同的教学对象,确定每一次美术教学活动的主题内容,并且利用现代多媒体辅助创设与主题相关的健康的审美文化情境。  关键词: 小学美术教学 教学实践 文化情结  
摘 要: 在小学音乐教学实践过程中,充分激发小学生的广泛兴趣,让他们在欣赏学习优秀音乐作品的同时,树立正确的人生观,提高明辨是非的能力,通过音乐教学弘扬真善美,鞭笞假恶丑,实施有效的美感教育。教师可根据实际情况为小学生营造学习音乐的良好环境,围绕音乐教学开展丰富多彩的课内外活动,让学生在欣赏学习音乐作品的实践中感受生活中的美感力量,进一步促进学生的素质发展。  关键词: 小学音乐教学 美感教育 教
摘 要: 德育是教育教学发展过程中能够激发学生无限潜力的思想道德和文化因素,属于教育理念改革和意识形态范畴,把它运用于中学生班级管理过程中,能够有效激发全体学生学习知识的兴趣,营造积极进取的班级氛围,有利于学生结合现实社会问题,进一步探究贯穿学校生活实践中的各种问题,提高运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,有利于促进素质教育的发展。  关键词: 德育工作 中学班级管理 促进作用  一、构建德育工作支持
班主任是班集体的组织者和领导者,既是沟通学校、家庭和社会教育的桥梁,又是联系各科任教师与学生的纽带。怎样才能做一个好班主任,营造良好的班风,促进学生健康成长呢?我在多年的班主任工作中有如下体会:  一、爱岗敬业,言传身教  孔子曰:“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。”班主任要治班,首先要治身,凡要求学生做到的,自己首先要做好、做到。中学生观察力较强,班主任要发挥表率作用,既是榜样又是无声的命