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《纽约时报》一九八六年获得两项普利策奖,一是音乐批评家多纳尔·赫纳汉的杰出评论文,另一是《纽约时报》的一系列关于主动战略防御“星球大战”的说明性新闻。由此,自一九一八年至一九八六年,《纽 The New York Times won two Pulitzer Prizes in 1986, an excellent commentary by the music critic Dornach Genahan, and a series of articles by the New York Times on active strategic defensive “Planet War ”of the illustrative news. Thus, from 1918 to 1986, "New Zealand
In this paper, a simple model for the strength dynamics of weighted evolving networks is proposed to characterize the weighted networks. By considering the cong
By mapping the Fock space of many local fermionic modes isomorphically onto a many-qubit space and using the measure of concurrence,this paper studies numerical
This paper proposes a scheme for realizing entanglement swapping in cavity QED. The scheme is based on the resonant interaction of a two-mode cavity field with
p27kip1是一种广谱的细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶(cyclin-dependent kinases,CDKs)抑制剂,主要通过抑制CDK的活性,来阻断细胞周期中G1/S期的转换,从而实现对细胞周期的负调控。p27
O4392006010794曲率波前传感器波前重构算法的研究=Study on algo-rithms for wavefront reconstruction of curvature sensor[刊,中]/刘若凡(中科院光电技术研究所.四川,成
A mass of GaN nanowires has been successfully synthesized on Si(111) substrates by magnetron sputtering through ammoniating Ga2O3/Co films at 950℃. X-ray diffr
An X-band magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) is designed and investigated numerically and experimentally for the first time.The X-band M