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江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的精辟论述,深刻地阐述了改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下,始终保持我们党的先进性的集中要求和具体内容,是新形势下对各级党员干部提出的新要求。按照这一要求,努力建设一支高素质的领导干部队伍,是摆在我们党面前的一项事关大局、刻不容缓的重大任务。要振奋精神,提高领导干部的境界。总的来说,当前我们党的干部队伍的精神状态是好的,是推动改革开放并在改革开放中不断发展壮大着的一支生机勃勃的队伍。但是,我们也应该清醒地看到,当前也有一些领导干部,由于自身素质不高,经不住和平时期执政的考验,贪图安逸,以权谋私;经不住改革开放的考验,受到一些不健康的外来生活方式和思想意识的浸染;经不住市场经济的考验,受到金钱物欲的诱惑和腐蚀。尽管这种人、这种现象在我们的领导干部队伍中是极少数,但影响极坏,严重背离了我们党的优良传统,严重挫伤了广大干部的积极性,严重腐蚀了我们的思想政治生态,严重损害了我们党在人民心目中的形象。造成这种状况的主要原因是世界观问题,是精神境界、精神状态问题。改变这种状况,必须振奋精神,提高领导干部的精神境界。一是要坚定共产主义理想信念。要围绕江泽民同志提出的“参加革命是为什么?现在当官应该做什么?将来身后应该留点什么?”等问题,经常地审视和反省自己理想信念的坚定性,不断提高党性修养,提 Comrade Jiang Zemin’s incisive discourse on “Three Represents ” profoundly expounded the centralization and specific requirements for keeping the advanced nature of our party under the conditions of reform and opening up and the development of a socialist market economy. This is a clear example of the central authorities’ Party members and cadres put forward new requirements. In accordance with this requirement, striving to build a contingent of leading cadres of high quality is a major task before our party that is crucial to the overall situation and must be urgently impeached. We must be energetic and raise the realm of leading cadres. In a word, the current state of the party’s cadre ranks is a good one and a vigorous team that promotes reform and opening up as well as continues to grow and develop in the process of reform and opening up. However, we should also be soberly aware that at present there are some leading cadres who, because of their low quality, can not stand the test of being in power during the peacetime, seek ease and abuse power for their own sake. If they can not withstand the test of reform and opening up, they will suffer from unhealthy life outside the country Methods and ideological awareness; can not withstand the test of the market economy, by the temptation of material desire and corrosion. Despite such people, this phenomenon is extremely rare among our ranks of leading cadres, but its impact is extremely bad. It has seriously deviated from the excellent tradition of our party, severely dampened the enthusiasm of the cadres, severely eroded our ideological and political ecology, Seriously undermined our party’s image in the eyes of the people. The main reason for this situation is the issue of the world outlook, which is the spiritual realm and the state of mind. To change this situation, we must inspire the spirit and raise the spiritual realm of leading cadres. First, we must uphold the ideal and conviction of communism. We must constantly examine and reflect on the firmness of our own ideals and convictions around the issue of “what is the participation in the revolution? What should the officials now do and what should be left behind in the future?”, Raised by Comrade Jiang Zemin,
耕地作为土地中的精华,耕地资源及其利用状况直接影响着农业乃至决定着国民经济的发展过程,其动态变化与可持续利用是影响区域可持续发展的关键。  但耕地动态变化本身没有客
加强和改进思想政治工作,关 键在各级领导干部。各级领 导干部对待思想政治工作,要从新时期党如何提高领导水平和执政水平的历史性高度来认识、思考、把握。对待思想政治工作,领