
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhao7788
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患者女性27岁№120995 右眼视力丧失2年。于1985.8.20就诊。自幼双眼视物清楚,9年前高中毕业时,双眼视力均为1.2。无眼部外伤、炎症史,无全身疾患。2年前,无意中遮盖左眼时,发现右眼看不见东西。当地医院检查,诊断为白内障。右眼无光感。眼前节正常。虹膜正常。右眼瞳孔5mm,直接对光反应消失,间接对光反映存在。晶体皮质呈灰白色混浊,前后囊下皮质混浊,后囊下混浊显著,灰色,粗糙不均,有金属样闪光,晶体核较清亮。眼底看不清。眼压7mmHg。A 型超声检查,右眼前后轴较左眼短5 Female patient 27 years old № 120995 Right eye loss of vision 2 years. In 1985.8.20 treatment. Eyes as early as childhood clear, nine years ago graduated from high school, binocular vision was 1.2. No eye injury, inflammation, no systemic disease. 2 years ago, accidentally cover the left eye, I found the right eye can not see things. Local hospital examination, diagnosed as cataracts. Right eye light feeling. Anterior normal section. Iris normal. Right eye pupil 5mm, direct light reaction disappeared, indirect light reflect the existence. Crystal cortex was gray and white turbid before and after the subcapsular cortex turbid, posterior subcapsular turbidity significant, gray, rough uneven, metallic flash, the crystal nucleus more clear. Eyes can not see clearly. Intraocular pressure 7mmHg. A-type ultrasound examination, the right eye anterior axis shorter than the left eye 5
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