“三八”节前夕,省里推荐马苏芹参加全国劳模评选的消息不胫而走,很快就传遍了淠史杭灌区上上下下。谈起马苏芹,认识她的人无不交口称赞:这位女同志真不简单! 马苏芹今年三十有七,皮肤白净,高挑身材,乍看上去是一位典型的文弱女子;但工作起来却干脆利落,浑身象有一股使不完的劲,单位同志都习惯称她“马大姐“。 马苏芹出生于水利世家,从小就深知“有水吃粮,无水吃糠”的道理,对水利有着特殊的感情。她参加
On the eve of the “March, Eight” Festival, the news that Ma Suqin recommended Masubin to participate in the selection of model labors in the province spread like wildfire and soon spread throughout the Shi-Shi-Hang Irrigation District. Talk about Ma Suqin, people who know her all praise: This lesbian is really not simple! Ma Suqin has thirteen of his seven, with white, tall stature, which at first glance appears to be a typical weakest woman. However, his work is neat and crisp, and his comrades are accustomed to calling her “Ma Sister ”. Ma Suqin was born in a family of water conservancy, childhood was well aware of the “water food, water eat bran” truth, has a special water conservancy. She participated