
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ooniono
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辽宁省人民医院又称辽宁省红十字会医院,始建于1979年,总投资超亿元,占地面积11.7万平方米,建筑面积9.8万平方米。现有职工1491人,临床医技科室42个,职能处室11个,设床位888张。建院初期由于时间短、摊子大、部分专业人员相对短缺,限制了个别专业的发展,社会信誉一度受到影响。1992年4月,以王者生院长为核心的新一届领导班子上任后,面对500多万元的外债,不怨天尤人,不坐等观望,提出“廉洁行医、勤政为民、谋求省医发展、造福一方百姓”的口号,面对医疗市场和广大患者的需求,确定了走内涵建设之路,大胆攻克高精尖技术项目,突出“你无我有、你有我优”的办院特色,从医疗、技术、管理三个方面人手,大刀阔斧地狠抓医疗质量,强化首诊负责制、岗位责任制、三级医师查房及护理查房制,制定了全方位的医疗质量控制措施。对人事制度及劳动分配制度进行大胆改革,并着手改变医院的管理模式和运行 Liaoning Provincial People’s Hospital, also known as Liaoning Red Cross Hospital, was founded in 1979 with a total investment of over 100 million yuan, covers an area of ​​117,000 square meters, and a building area of ​​98,000 square meters. There are 1491 employees, 42 clinical and technical departments, 11 functional departments, and 888 beds. In the early stage of the establishment of the hospital, due to the short time, large scale, and relatively short supply of some professionals, the development of individual professions was restricted, and the social reputation was once affected. In April 1992, after the new leadership team headed by President Wang Shengsheng took office, facing more than 5 million yuan in foreign debt, he did not complain about people or wait for a wait and see. He proposed that “clean and honest medicine, diligent service for the people, and seeking for provincial doctors The slogan of “Developing and benefiting the people” has determined the path of connotation building in the face of the medical market and the needs of the majority of patients, boldly conquering high-tech projects, and highlighting the “you have no me and you have me” office. Characteristics, from the three aspects of medical treatment, technology, and management, have boldly focused on medical quality, strengthened the first-response responsibility system, post responsibility system, third-level doctor rounds, and nursing check-room system, and formulated comprehensive medical quality control measures. . Thoroughly reformed the personnel system and the labor distribution system, and started to change the management model and operation of the hospital.
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目的 研究人源性细胞在电磁脉冲 (EMP)及电离辐射作用后的生物效应 .方法 用电磁脉冲发生器和6 0 Co-γ线分别照射人肠上皮细胞 ,以四唑盐 (MTT)比色法检测受照细胞的存活
1 5年工作概况 新罗区辖15个乡镇、4个街道办事处,有农业人口215万人。1994年在岩山乡开展保大不保小的合作医疗工作试点。1995、1996、1997、1998年全区累计筹集资金571万元,住院病人报销5070人次,累计报销金额
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