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2002年我省统计教育培训工作要以江泽民总书记“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻党的十五届六中全会精神,紧紧围绕统计中心工作,开展多层次、多内容、多形式的统计教育培训,提高全省统计队伍的专业知识水平和业务工作能力,为统计改革和统计现代化建设提供可靠的人才保证。为此,2002年统计教育培训要抓好以下几个方面的工作。一、做好统计人员持证上岗培训工作 1、严格按照统计法和《统计人员持证上岗暂行规定》的要求,在全省范围内开展统计人员上岗培训考试,结合统计执法大检查,对统计人员持证上岗的情况进行检查。年内举办持证上岗培训五期,培训250人。 In 2002, the work of statistical education and training in our province should be guided by General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s important thinking on “three represents”, earnestly implement the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, closely center on the work of the statistics center, and carry out multi-level and multi-content , Various forms of statistical education and training, improve the province’s statistical team of professional knowledge and business skills, for statistical reform and statistical modernization to provide a reliable guarantee of qualified personnel. To this end, statistical education and training in 2002 should do a good job in the following aspects. First, to do a good job of statutory personnel training certificates 1, in strict accordance with the law of statistics and the “statisticians Provisional Regulations on Employment” requirement, in the province to carry out statisticians on-the-job training examinations, combined with statistical law enforcement inspection, statistics Personnel certificate of inspection of the situation. During the year, there were five certified induction training courses and 250 training courses.
Many different approaches for synthesis of branched chain sugars have been established,1 because they are very useful intermediates for synthesis of other non-s
同志们: 在新世纪即将到来的关键时刻,以江泽民同志为核心的党中央站在历史的新高度,放眼世界,谋划我国未来发展蓝图。党的十五届五中全会,对新世纪之初我国经济和社会发展
The “theory of self-similar oscillatory finite-time singularities” of Sornette reflects accurately the spatio-temporal evolution and trends of development of
科技部和两大国有石油公司将投入 8 2亿元人民币共同开发中国第三大石油生产基地———渤海大油田。这个开发项目已被列入国家高技术研究发展计划 (86 3计划 ) ,旨在突破制约