引导从句的what/ that/ which

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  语法填空的纯空格题主要要求考生填写冠词、介词、代词、连词,包括各类从句的连接词或引导词。然而多数考生在要求填写从句引导词题上频频“失手”,如错用what来引导定语从句。因此,笔者以历年的语法填空题(包括地方模拟题)来谈谈从句引导词试题的解题思路并辨析高频考查的引导词what, that和which在从句中的用法。
  一、what/ that/ which引导的名词性从句
  1. At first, the donkey realized_____________was happening and cried horribly.
  2.“Thank you for_____________you’ve said. I hope I will never be too busy to help others.” With that, Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and went away.
  3. He hopes that sharing_____________he’s been through will help others.
  4. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of_____________would be considered a very poor family.
  5. It never occurred to me_____________you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.
  6. The only difference is_____________today’s employment of children is confined to small industries and family businesses.
  7. She loved driving very fast, and boasted of the fact_____________she had never, in her thirty-five years of driving, been punished for a driving mistake.
  8. Its publication has started a debate as to_____________way of parenting is superior, the traditional Chinese way or the American way.
  1. what  2. what  3. what  4. what  5. that  6. that  7. that   8. which
  1. 从宏观角度分析句子结构,抓住句子的主干,从而判断出从句的类型。 如何分析句子结构呢?这就需要抓住句子的关键点,也是核心点——动词部分。抓住了动词就意味着抓住了句子的脊梁和命脉。因为英语句子的主干结构就是“主语 谓语动词 宾语”或者“主语 系动词 表语”。在平时训练中,考生找句子中的主语或宾语是比较困难的, 相对而言找动词会比较容易。考生根据动词的形式确定出句子的谓语动词,动词前后可以确定出句子的主语或宾语成分。如题1中,我们可以知道空格后的句子是realized的宾语从句。题2和4中,空格在介词for和of后,可以判断出后面的句子是介词的宾语从句。题3的sharing_____________he’s been through是在主句谓语动词hope后的宾语从句中作主语。
  2. 分析确定出的从句,判断从句中所缺的成分。
  that引导名词性从句时没有意义,仅起连接作用,不在句子中充当任何成分。当它引导的同位语从句、表语从句和主语从句放在句首时,that不能省略;that引导的宾语从句不能在介词后做宾语。如题5,It never occurred to me_____________you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. It为形式主语,故句子可以转化为:     you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind never occurred to me. 在主语从句中,主谓宾的主干结构已经齐全,不缺成分,故用that引导。
  值得注意的是,what 引导名词性从句时, 除起连接作用外, 还在句子中担任主语、宾语、表语、定语等成分,相当于all that 或everything that,表示“ 什么”或“…… 的东西或事情”。如题3,宾语从句sharing_____________he’s been through中share是及物动词,后接宾语从句,what在宾语从句中充当介词through的宾语,意为“分享他所经历过的事情”。 另外,which引导名词性从句时,除起连接作用外,还在句子中担任主语、宾语、表语、定语等成分,意为“哪一个”。如题8中,从the traditional Chinese way or the American way可知,空格引导的宾语从句有选择的意味,故用which。   3. 填入引导词,检查语意是否完整。
  1. He knew_____________would happen when his classmates found out.
  2. That Christmas Eve, Paul learned_____________Jesus meant when he said: “it is more blessed to give...”
  3. Next day, when he was about to drink wine, he also remembered_____________he promised to Allah, so he gave up the idea of drinking wine.
  4. When Vincent stopped his inner voice and asked the woman out, she said, “Vincent,_____________took you so long?”
  5. The Pine Street Foundation conducted its research on the belief_____________cancer cells give off a different type of metabolic(新陈代谢) waste product.
  6. In addition, the most undesirable effect is_____________examinations encourage bad study habits.
  7.“She could hardly speak Chinese at the beginning, and we had to guess_____________each other meant through gestures,”said Li.
  8. Girls are no longer closely guarded, and they can do more or less_____________they like.
  9. The shocking news made me realize_____________terrible problems we would face.
  10. The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of_____________others actually understand.
  1. what  2. what  3. what  4. what  5. that 6. that  7. what  8. what  9. what  10. what
  二、that/ which引导的定语从句 定语从句一般紧跟在被修饰的名词后面,起修饰作用。引导限制性定语从句的关系代词that和which一般可以换用。限制性定语从句中,必须用that的情况有:
  1. 先行词是指事物的不定代词all, little, much, anything, everything, nothing等时;
  2. 先行词被the only, the very, 形容词最高级或序数词修饰时;
    3. 先行词有人也有物时。
  1. 引导非限定性定语从句,常跟在“,”后;
  2. 当定语从句中的介词提前时,即紧跟在介词后面时。
  1. With each shovel of dirt_____________hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing.
  2. It turned out that I couldn’t do any of them very well in such a hurry,_____________made me quite angry.
    3. At last, they tried to fill in the plane with carbon dioxide,_____________poisoned all the eighty rats by the poisonous gas.
  4. Chilren often form bad habits, some of_____________remain with them as long as they live.
  5. The second kind of medicine is called “natural cures” or “folk medicine” in_____________less educated people try to cure sicknesses with various herbs.
  1. which/that  2. which  3. which  4. which 5. which
    1. I looked into their eyes and I found they didn’t care,_____________told me it would be useless.(2010深圳一模)
    2. His way lay through a forest in_____________there were many monkeys. (2010广东模拟)
  3. This means their children will for sure have the family disease,_____________is a great trouble for these families. (2009深圳外国语)
  4. Then,the daughter began using some of her money to promote a day_____________would honor all mothers. (2009汕头城南)
  5. Wind stirs things down and brings down a lot of warm air_____________often floats just above housetops and trees. (2009广东模拟)
  1. which  2. which  3. which  4. that/which 5. that/which
    责任编校 蒋小青
【摘 要】数学是贯穿小学、初中和高中学生整个学习生活的一门学科。随着新课程改革的推进,初中数学几何教学已被纳入重点教学范围。初中生几何数学的学习不仅直接关系到现阶段的学习,也为高中数学的学习奠定了基础,对未来的数学学习至关重要。初中几何数学的学习要求学生具备扎实的基础知识和一定的空间想象力。学生在学习上有一定的困难,这也是教师面临的一个主要挑战。本文着重探讨初中数学几何教学的有效策略,希望能为解决
摘 要:随着计算机的不断普及和迅速发展,计算机在办公应用中的作用越来越显著,而应用软件wps作为当前功能强大的办公软件发挥了巨大作用。办公应用软件wps2009类似于MS Office的设计,一般较常使用的是它的文字(word),表格(excel)以及演示(power point)功能。它不仅在功能方面上能完全满足办公要求之外,而且对于MS Office下的各种文档都支持。本文主要对wps2009
一、命题预测 命题人可能要求考生写介绍某一地点及其历史的邮件或回信、介绍家乡或旅游景点的发言稿、介绍历史文化的活动贴、报刊中“地理与历史”栏目的约稿信等,这些都需
【摘 要】教师在日常的语文教学中,要完成的不仅仅是书本中知识的灌输。教育本身除了教授学生基础文化知识以外,更主要的是对他们思维能力的培养,活跃的思维更有助与提高学生的学习质量。教师要通过分析小学生的思维能力和小学年龄阶段的学生的属性,使用一系列教育方法来完成小学语文教学目的的同时,来培养他们主动学习和思维的能力。  【关键词】小学语文;形象化;想象力  【中图分类号】G623.2 【文献标识码】A