来源 :应用与环境生物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mswangnan098
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The persistence and performance (growth promoting potential) of green fluorescent protein (gfp) marked Azotobacter chroococcum strain ABR 4G were studied in sterilized and unsterilized wheat rhizospheric soil. The gfp was integrated via Tn 5 transposition into A. chroococcum chromosome and the resultant gfp marked colonies were identified by green fluorescent emission under UV light. The gfp was stably maintained in A. chroococcum and the gfp insertion had no apparent adverse effect on the growth promoting properties of the marked soil isolate ABR 4G. The growth promoting properties (nitrogen fixation, ammonia excretion, phosphate solubilization and IAA production) of the parent soil isolate and the gfp marked strain were found to be almost the same. All the quantitative wheat plant traits were significantly influenced by inoculation of A. chroococcum ABR 4G strain in sterilized and unsterilized soil. Inoculated bacterial counts increased gradually in wheat rhizosphere, reached maximum on 60 th d and declined on 80 th d. Fertility levels also affected survival of marked strain and the survival was comparable in sterilized and unsterilized soil. The growth promoting properties were also determined from the marked strain reisolated from wheat rhizosphere in both types of soil. Fig 1, Tab 2, Ref 22 The persistence and performance (growth promoting potential) of green fluorescent protein (gfp) marked Azotobacter chroococcum strain ABR 4G were studied in sterilized and unsterilized wheat rhizospheric soil. The gfp was integrated via Tn 5 transposition into A. chroococcum chromosome and the resultant gfp marked colonies were identified by green fluorescent emission under UV light. The gfp was stably maintained in A. chroococcum and the gfp insertion had no apparent adverse effect on the growth promoting properties of the marked soil isolate ABR 4G. The growth promoting properties (nitrogen fixation, ammonia excretion, phosphate solubilization and IAA production) of the parent soil isolate and the gfp marked strain were found to be almost the same. All the quantitative wheat plant traits were significantly influenced by inoculation of A. chroococcum ABR 4G strain in sterilized and unsterilized soil . Inoculated bacterial counts increased gradually in wheat rhizosphere, reached maximum on 60 th d and declined on 80 th d. Fertility levels also affected survival of marked strain and the survival was comparable in sterilized and unsterilized soil. The growth promoting were also determined from the marked strain reisolated from wheat rhizosphere in both types of soil Fig 1, Tab 2, Ref 22
目前人力资源外包在我国出现蓬勃发展的态势,它将人力资源部门从传统人事管理中解放出来,能将更多精力放在战略性人力资源管理上,有助于企业人力资源增值。但人力资源外包过程中难免会遇到许多风险,组织应怎样对其隐存的风险有清晰认识,并做好风险控制呢。文章从我国人力资源外包现状和风险入手,提出规避外包风险的一系列对策,希望对我国企业人力资源外包发展有所帮助。  人力资源外包是近年发展起来的新事物,对其风险认识
商务英语课程是特殊用途英语(ESP)语言教学领域的一个分支。文章在对ESP进行界定并分析了商务英语课程的特色后,结合服务外包行业的发展,探索了服务外包视角下商务英语的发展路线,旨在探求适合商务英语改革的新思路。  一、引言  服务外包是指企业将价值链中原本由自身提供的具有基础性的、共性的、非核心的业务和业务流程剥离出来后,外包给企业外部专业服务提供商来完成的经济活动,同时也是一种达到降低成本、提高
因人类活动引起的气候变化越来越受到关注,碳排放成为影响全球气候增温的主要因素。研究发现,碳排放伴随着城市化进程,低碳城市遂成为遏制全球气候变暖的首要选择。文章论述了气候变化、碳排放与低碳城市规划的关系,从理论研究、实施计划两方面对发展低碳城市提出可行性方案与对策。   一、国外提出低碳经济的背景与特征  低碳经济概念的形成和提出背景,大致有以下三个方面。  其一,应对气候变化是低碳经济提出的最直接