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伊化装备工程公司的前身达旗机械厂是个有40年建厂历史的老企业.近年来,生产经营不景气,经济效益每况愈下,职工的思想涣散,是个“小、穷、亏”企业.而伊化集团总公司是伊盟的支柱产业,是国家大型一档企业,具有较大的产业规模和较强的经济实力.随着伊盟化工事业的发展壮大,也需要一些相关企业为自身服务,同时,作为一个大集团,也有责任带动一批“小、穷、亏”企业走出困境.在这种情况下,伊化集团总公司果断决策,兼并达旗机械厂.一年来,公司全体员工团结一致,顽强拼搏,取得了令人满意的经营成果,各项工作有新的起色.一方面,面向两个市场,即依托系统内部币场,积极开拓社会市场,开发新产品,增加新品种,扩大产品产量,扩大销售渠道;另一方面,加强了党的领导,突出党组织在企业中的“核心”作用,保证兼并工作的顺利实施.在过去的一年里,职工的收入相对提高了,职工满意;企业的活力增强了,政府和银行满意.之所以能解取得这样的好成绩,主要 The former Daqi Machinery Factory of Yihua Equipment Engineering Company is an old enterprise with a 40-year history of plant construction. In recent years, the production and operation have been declining, the economic benefits have been deteriorating, and the thinking of employees has been scattered. It is a “small, poor, deficit” enterprise. Yihua Group Corporation is the pillar industry of the Iraqi League. It is a large-scale first-tier enterprise in the country and has a large industrial scale and strong economic strength. With the development and expansion of the Iraqi League chemical industry, it also needs some related companies to serve themselves. At the same time, as a large group, it also has the responsibility to bring a group of “small, poor, deficit” companies out of the predicament. In this case, the Yihua Group’s head office makes decisive decisions and annexes the Daqi Machinery Factory. Over the past year, all employees of the company Unity, tenacious struggle, and achieved satisfactory operating results, the work has a new improvement. On the one hand, facing the two markets, that is, relying on the system’s internal currency field, actively develop the social market, develop new products, add new varieties , expand product output and expand sales channels; on the other hand, strengthen party leadership, highlight the “core” role of party organizations in enterprises, and ensure the smooth implementation of mergers and acquisitions. In the past year, employees’ The relative increase in income and the satisfaction of employees; the vitality of the enterprise has increased, the government and the bank are satisfied, and the reason why such a good result can be achieved is that
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光明大街是一条次干道。该段于1978年冬开始规划设计,1979年7月开始施工,80年冬建成。建筑面积近2万平方米(其中商店680平方米)。 Guangming Street is a secondary road.
了解中外学前教育发展的历史,吸收借鉴历史中的优秀理论,整合各方资源,增强学前教育机构多元化,有效的促进学前教育发展。 Understand the history of the development of p