
来源 :民国档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aacpc
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民国前期贾汪矿区的政治生态和社会秩序,随着国家政权建设的逐步深入,呈阶段性起伏波动之势。民初对绅权既尊重又约束的制度安排,保障了矿区的有序发展。1920年代末国家权力全面扩张,政治失意、经济受损的乡村“保护人”即曾为地方利益代言的乡绅投向逐利性基层国家权力,转化为渔利型掮客,导致矿区失序。1933年国家权力重新调整后,新崛起的地方精英与职能强化的地方政府致力于乡村利益和社会公正,修复了矿区秩序。矿区政治和秩序的变化,从根本上说是政权建设中制度变革特别是国家权力配置不断调适的结果,区域性生态环境的影响并不明显;而忽视这种阶段性特征,单纯说政权建设成功或失败有失偏颇。 In the early Republic of China, the political ecology and social order in Jiawang mining area fluctuated in stages with the gradual deepening of the state power construction. At the beginning of the Republic of China, the institutional arrangement of respecting and binding the gentry power was respected and the orderly development of the mining area was guaranteed. At the end of the 1920s, the country with full state power expansion, political disappointment, and economic loss, the “protector,” the squire who had endorsed the interests of the localities, turned to the profit-making grassroots state power and turned the fishing industry into a bargain-basement, causing disorder in the mining area. After the readjustment of state power in 1933, the newly emerging local elites and local governments with functions strengthened committed themselves to rural interests and social justice and restored the order of the mining area. The change of politics and order in the mining area is basically the result of institutional adjustment in the regime construction, especially the continuous adjustment of the state power allocation. The impact of the regional ecological environment is not obvious. By ignoring this stage characteristic, we simply say that the successful establishment of the political power Or failure is biased.
本文报道了大斑芫菁的生物学特性。 This article reports on the biological characteristics of maculata macrophylla.
大庆石化分公司化肥厂水汽车间的脱盐水处理系统中的纤维球过滤器,反洗频率高达2~3 d 1次。根据对反洗液的过滤水、滤饼的成分分析得出,堵塞纤维球过滤器的渣滓的主要组分为氧