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一位外地病人为挂名中医施杞的号,在上海等了半个多月,最后由施杞“名老中医工作室”解决了问题,施老的学生们让他病情好转满意而归;某海外华人专程慕名回国找名医刘嘉湘看肿瘤,一个多月未挂上号,刘嘉湘“名老中医工作室”使他如愿以偿吃上了刘教授所开的中药;名震一方的石氏伤科传人石印玉的号也远远不能满足病人的需要,但继承了真传的石印玉“名老中医工作室”缓解了石老及医院的压力—— 上海市卫生局近日已决定,将这一首先由上海中医药大学附属龙华医院创立、相继在数家医院自发开展的“名老中医工作室”经验,在全市推广落实。 A field patient named Shiqi Chinese medicine number, waiting in Shanghai for more than half a month, and finally by Shi Qi “old Chinese medicine studio” to solve the problem, Shi-old students let him feel satisfied with the improvement of the condition; The overseas Chinese make a name for themselves to return home to find a famous doctor Liu Jiaxiang to see the tumor, which has not been put on for more than a month. Liu Jiaxiang’s famous old Chinese medicine studio made him wish to eat the traditional Chinese medicine opened by Professor Liu. Jade’s number also far can not meet the needs of patients, but inherited the true Shiyin jade “old Chinese medicine studio” to ease the pressure of the stone and the old hospital - the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau has decided that this will be the first from Shanghai Longhua Hospital, affiliated to the Chinese University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was founded in several hospitals spontaneously carried out “famous traditional Chinese medicine studio” experience in the city to promote the implementation.
避免双重征税协定是国家间为了避免和消除对同一纳税人基于同一项所得或财产的重复征税,通过谈判达成协议,以书面形式签订的税收协定(AGREEMENT)或条约(CONVENTION)。 19世
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(一)公司所得税税率法人税。近年来税率一直在调整:年度税率公司 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988至今一般公司 52 50 45 40 35 35 35小公司 38 30 30 30 30 27 25 上表
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