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最近,在对企业的调查中,多次遇到这种情况:讲产值,比上年同期增长了百分之多少;讲销售,也比上年同期有所增加。生产经营形势似乎不错。但是,把产值和销售结合起来考察,就会发现产值销售率反而比同期下降了。按现行价格计算的产值销售率,表示产品适销程度。当产值销售率达到百分之百的时侯,表示本期生产的产品全部实现了销售,低于百分之百,表示本期生产的产品还有一部分未能实现销售;产值销售率低于上年同期水平,说明出现了或增加了积压产品。经验告诉我们,积压产品往往很难避免出现降 Recently, in the investigation of enterprises, this situation has been encountered many times: the value of production has increased by about 100% over the same period of the previous year, and sales have also increased over the same period of last year. The production and operation situation looks good. However, looking at the combination of output value and sales, it can be seen that the sales rate of production value has decreased compared with the same period. The sales rate of the production value at the current price indicates the marketability of the product. When the sales rate of the output value reaches 100%, it means that all the products produced in the current period have achieved sales, which is less than 100%, indicating that some of the products produced during the current period have failed to achieve sales; the sales rate of output value is lower than the level of the same period of last year. There has been or increased the backlog of products. Experience tells us that backlogs are often difficult to avoid
今天学校停电了,班上的同学个个热得满头大汗,喉咙似乎要冒烟了。因为停电饮水机也不出水了。上午最后一节课,老师叫回家吃饭的同学带几瓶水来学校。我高高兴兴回 The schoo
The reaction process of combustion synthesis for TiB_2-Cu was investigated in detail using combustion-wave arresting experiment, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysi
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我是一名检修工,那事儿发生在2005年。我们厂进行春季生产大检修,班长分配完工作后,就带领我和工友小张去检修工作难度较大、危险系数最高的RT-203硫化氢过滤器。 I am a ma
警用航空是公安机关的重要组成部分,是近年来随着社会治安和公共安全需要,迅速成长起来的新生力量。警用航空应当,也有足够能力成为航空应急救援的主力军。 Police aviatio