Systematic review of prognostic importance of extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nitendo1
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AIM: To systematically review the survival outcomes relating to extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer.METHODS: A systematic review was conducted using PRISMA guidelines. An electronic search was carried out using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane library databases, Google scholar and Pub Med until October 2014. Search terms were used in combination to yield articles on extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer. Outcome measures included prevalence and 5-year survival rates. These were graphically displayed using Forest plots. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out.RESULTS: Fourteen studies reported the prevalence of extramural venous invasion(EMVI) positive patients. Prevalence ranged from 9%-61%. The pooled prevalence of EMVI positivity was 26% [Random effects: Event rate 0.26(0.18, 0.36)]. Most studies showed that EMVI related to worse oncological outcomes. The pooled overall survival was 39.5% [Random effects: Event rate 0.395(0.29, 0.51)].CONCLUSION: Historically, there has been huge variation in the prevalence of EMVI through inconsistent reporting. However the presence of EMVI clearly leads to worse survival outcomes. As detection rates become more consistent, EMVI may be considered as part of risk-stratification in rectal cancer. Standardised histopathological definitions and the use of magnetic resonance imaging to identify EMVI will improve detection rates in the future. AIM: To systematically review the survival outcomes relating to extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer. METHODS: A systematic review conducted using PRISMA guidelines. An electronic search was carried out using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane database databases, Google Scholar and Pub Med until October 2014. Search terms were used in combination to yield articles on extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer. Outcomes accepted were prevalence and 5-year survival rates. These were graphically displayed using Forest plots. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out .RESULTS : Fourteen studies reported the prevalence of extramural venous invasion (EMVI) positive patients. Prevalence ranged from 9% -61%. The pooled prevalence of EMVI positivity was 26% [Random effects: Event rate 0.26 (0.18, 0.36)]. Most studies showed that EMVI related to worse oncological outcomes. The pooled overall survival was 39.5% [Random effects: Event rate 0.395 (0.29, 0.51)]. CONCLUSION: Historically, there has been huge variation in the prevalence of EMVI through inconsistent reporting. However the presence of EMVI clearly leads to worse survival outcomes. As detection rates become more consistent, EMVI may be considered as part of risk-stratification in rectal cancer. Standardized histopathological definitions and the use of magnetic resonance imaging to identify EMVI will improve detection rates in the future.
摘 要:随着我国新课改相关工作的逐步开展,传统的应试教育的教学观念逐步被人们所摒弃,学生家长越来越重视对于学生综合素质的培养,这也在一定程度上提升了对于初中教学工作的要求。初中数学作为初中教学内容的重要组成部分,对于孩子核心素养的培养以及未来的长远发展而言都具有十分重要的作用,因此,如何通过初中数学课堂教学培养孩子的数学核心素养成为时下初中数学教育工作者所关心的问题之一,以下就笔者的实际经验出发,
摘 要:在课改不断深入的过程中为教师教学工作的开展指明了方向,并且在此基础之上对教师提出的要求较之从前也高了很多。这种情况下作为高中数学教师的我们就需要对提高教学效果的方法进行一定的探究。  关键词:新课标;高中数学;教学效果  一、 当前高中数学新课标背景下存在的一些问题  (一) 教学目标存有偏差  在当前高中教学工作开展的过程中所沿用的目标仍然是升学,而高中数学对于学生综合成绩的提高以及使学
摘 要:初中数学教学中,合作学习模式的开展,有利于帮助学生解决复杂的数学问题、发展学生数学核心素养、改革创新初中数学教学。新课程改革背景下,初中数学教师要科学通过课内合作与课外合作模式的开展,全面提高初中数学的教学效果。  关键词:初中数学;合作学习;重要性;对策  新课程改革强调现代教育应当培养学生的自主学习能力,构建“自主、合作、探究”的教学课堂,促进学生的全面发展。在新课程改革理念的指导下,
摘 要:在运用现代教育技术教学时,还停留在开始的幻灯片,老师受制于多媒体课件,用一体机翻页笔来代替一切,忽略了学生数学阅读和板书效应,教学资源照搬套用,使得教学容量大,教学节奏快。对于这个问题的改进措施,把握时机,开启学生思维,克服不足、避免形式主义,优化结构、构建高效课堂,合理使用现代教育技术各种媒体和各种教学手段,使课堂教学发挥出最大的整体效益,达到优势互补,创建优质高效的数学教学课堂。  关
摘 要:课堂是教师开展教学活动的重要场所,也是学生学习知识的重要阵地,课堂教学的效率和质量直接影响和决定着学生的学习效果与能力发展,构建高效课堂至关重要。但是受传统教学观念的影响,部分初中数学教师在课堂教学中仍采用单一、落后的教学方法,致使学生逐渐失去了学习的兴趣,课堂教学也因此呈现出低效、无效甚至负效的状态。基于此,本文从精心设计问题、渗透数学思想与联系生活实际三方面出发,分析初中数学高效课堂构
摘 要:在新课改的背景下,小学数学课堂的教学强调双主体,一方面学生是课堂的主体,另一方面教师是教学的主导。因此在现阶段小学数学教学过程中应该充分发挥教学过程中学生的主观能动性,突显出学生为主体。同时对现有的教学方式进行及时革新,有效提升小学数学课堂教学的效率,促进小学数学课堂教学工作高效稳步开展。  关键词:小学数学;新课改;有效性;策略  一、 引言  教学的方式对于学习的效率存在直接影响。在新