情书2000:俊男倩女终成并蒂连理 1979年,高俊峰17岁,在黑龙江省牡丹江市一中读高二。在一中,高俊峰大名鼎鼎,不仅因为他学习成绩优异,更因为他不同凡响的体育才能。这让他当仁不让地成为众多女生心目中的白马王子。但情窦初开的高俊峰不为所动,因为他心里早就有了一个倾慕已久的“梦中女孩”——那是一个温婉、娴静的女生,与高俊峰同班,名叫何海燕。 1980年,刚刚读完高二的高俊峰被破格保送至哈尔滨师范大学中文系。去哈师大报到之前,他将海燕的出来谈了一次话,很含蓄地对海燕表达了自己的爱慕之情。对高俊峰,何海燕本来就存着一份好感。俊峰高大的体魄,英俊的外表和优异的学习成绩,当然会让每一位怀春少女怦然心动。但是,考虑到自己年纪还
Love Letter 2000: Junqianqiannv Concluding Recipients In 1979, Gao Junfeng was 17 years old and was a sophomore in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province. In one, Gao Junfeng famous, not only because of his excellent academic performance, but also because of his extraordinary sports talent. This let him do my part to become the Prince Charming Prince of many girls. However, the beginning of Qingsun Gao Junfeng unmoved, because he had long had a long-awaited “dream girl ” - it is a gentle, demure girl, and Gao Junfeng same class, named He Haiyan. In 1980, Gao Junfeng, who had just finished sophomore, was handed over to the Department of Chinese, Harbin Normal University. Before going to report to Kazakhstan, he talked about the words of the Swallow out, and implicitly expressed his love for the Swallow. To Gao Junfeng, He Haiyan originally had a good impression. Junfeng tall physique, handsome appearance and excellent academic performance, of course, will make every pregnant girl suddenly heart. However, taking into account their age