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40岁以前我最难回答别人问我做什么工作,我从不敢说与艺术沾边。但切切实实自己从16岁就开始跟随钟长生、张文瑞、尤宝峰、朱介夫诸位前辈学习传统书画。前辈大家对我的的谆谆教诲牢记在心,画画其实是在画胸襟和修养。时光荏苒,一晃25个春秋过去了,从没有放弃过手中的画笔。我内心一直认为自己还是个蹒跚学步的小毛孩子,懵懂不谙绘事,愿意继续聆听前辈的教导。觉得艺术圣殿高在云端,我摸索着最下面的台阶匍匐前行,唯恐不慎迈空一步。我宁愿再在充满泥泞,布满荆棘,乱石横空的小道上继续奔 Before the age of 40, I most difficult to answer others asked me what kind of work, I never dare to say that with art detached. However, he really started from the age of 16 to follow Zhong Changsheng, Zhang Wenrui, You Baofeng, Zhu Jie Fu predecessors learn traditional calligraphy and painting. All of our predecessors bear in mind my unruly education, painting is actually drawing on the mind and self-cultivation. Time flies, flash 25 Spring has passed, never give up the brush in the hands. My heart has always thought that I was still a toddler little Mao child, I do not understand painting, willing to continue to listen to the teachings of their predecessors. Feel the art temple high in the clouds, I groped the bottom steps creeping forward, lest she accidentally step by step. I would rather go on full of muddy, full of thorns, rocks across the trail continue to run
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