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斯基姆是一名出租车司机。可谁钻进他那辆破车,都会自认倒霉:座位上的弹簧七倒八歪,有一根干脆赤裸裸地钻出来,坐在上面如坐针毡。这天,哲学家兼物理学家伯因坦博士和好友麦克福教授大谈特谈他的“四维空间”理论后, Squam is a taxi driver. Who can get into his broken car, will be unlucky: the seat of the spring bumpy, there is a simply naked out, sitting on the needle pin felt. On this day, Dr. Bethel, philosopher and physicist, talked with his friend Professor McCafferty about his theory of “four-dimensional space”
Colorectal cancer is a rapidly rising trend in Asia.The incidence in many Asian countries is on par with the West.Several studies have provided data regarding t
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor(IMT) occurring at retroperitoneal sites has rarely been reported.We report the case of a previously well 14-year-old girl wit
Digestive endoscopy is currently the main diagnostic procedure for investigation of the digestive tract when a digestive disease is suspected.The use of compute
也许你以为这是一个笑谈,但是,这件事就真实地发生在了美国加州。六月里的一天黄昏,已经到了下班时间。在加州邮局工作的玛丽整理好最后几封信件,并关上了电脑和柜台的小铁门,准备回家享受天伦之乐了。然而,就在她走出办公室到达大厅的时候,墙角一个蹲着的男孩引起了她的注意,因为,男孩正在隐隐地抽泣。  怀着强烈的好奇心,玛丽走近了孩子。看到有人走近,男孩打量了她一眼,仍然没有终止哭泣。玛丽仔细看了一眼这个孩子
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Surgery is the treatment of choice for pancreatic carcinoma. However,only 20% of patients are eligible for surgery,and local control of disease and survival are
1.神要是公然去跟人作对,那是任何人都难以对付的。(《荷马史诗》) 2.生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考的问题。(《哈姆雷特》) 3.善良人在追求中纵然迷惘,却终将意识到有一条
Objective To investigate the Bmil protein level in human colorectal cancer specimen and associated clinico-pathological parameters,and to determine the influenc