档案管理现代化是不断完善深化的过程,在这一过程中,始终依赖于档案工作人员素质的提高。这是因为,现代科技手段和先进的管理方法,都要由人去掌握和运用,档案管理人员素质的提高不仅依赖于掌握扎实的操作技能,涉猎广博的专业知识,而且需要有较强的现代化思想意识。 一、增强现代化意识。增强现代化意识,就是在实现档案管理现代化,发展档案事业的过程中,档案管理人员应树立与时代发展和社会进步相适应的思想观念;树立依靠科技进步和科学管理的观念。 档案工作向来是以手工操作为
The modernization of archive management is a process of continuous improvement and deepening. In this process, it always depends on the improvement of the quality of archive staff. This is because modern means of science and technology and advanced management methods must be mastered and used by the people. The improvement of the quality of the archivist depends not only on mastery of operational skills, on extensive professional knowledge, but also on the need for greater modernization Ideology. First, to enhance the awareness of modernization. To enhance the awareness of modernization means that in the process of realizing the modernization of archives management and the development of archives, archivists should establish the ideological concepts that are appropriate to the development of the times and social progress and establish the concept of relying on scientific and technological progress and scientific management. Archival work has always been done by hand