
来源 :中国民用航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cangxialong
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中国美国商会对中国政府发展健康和可持续的民用航空业的努力表示赞赏。经济的强劲增长、贸易和居民收入水平的提高以及市场自由化进程的加快都推动了民航业的快速增长。2012年7月,《国务院关于促进民用航空业发展的若干意见》发布。这份重要的文件确立了民用航空业几大重点发展目标,其中包括计划2011—2020年运输量增长12.2%,降低事故率,通用航空业增长19%,以及让更多人享受航空服务。中国目前正在努力实现从“航空大国”向“航空强国”的转变。中国最大的三家航空公司目前已跻身全球前15大航空公司 The American Chamber of Commerce in China appreciates the Chinese government’s efforts to develop a healthy and sustainable civil aviation industry. The rapid growth of the civil aviation industry has been driven by the strong economic growth, the increase of trade and household income, and the acceleration of market liberalization. In July 2012, a number of Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Development of Civil Aviation Industry were released. This important document establishes several key development goals for the civil aviation industry. These include a planned 12.2% increase in traffic volume in 2011-2020, a reduction in accident rates, a 19% increase in the general aviation industry, and increased access to aviation services for more people. China is currently trying to make the transition from a “big aviation country” to an “aviation powerhouse.” Three of China’s largest airlines now rank among the top 15 airlines in the world
建莲产于建宁县,为福建著名特产.据记载,建宁栽培莲子始于五代,已有悠久历史. Jianlian production in Jianning County, Fujian famous specialty.According to records,
肉类——适温是二至五摄氏度.最好按每顿饭预计用量切好,分别用塑料袋包上,每次取用一块 Meat - suitable temperature is two to five degrees Celsius. It is best to cu
有人实验,头痛与饮食不当有着密切的关系.因此,下列食品的摄入量应当受到适当限制: Some experiments, headaches and improper diet are closely related. Therefore, the
时值夏季,向大家介绍制作方法简便、快速,味道鲜美,适合家庭的 Summer time, to introduce the production method is simple, fast, delicious, suitable for families
菊花具有耐寒、美观、芳香等自然特点,本身又是一味中药,有轻身益气的作用.汉代名医学家张仲景在《金匮要略 Chrysanthemum has a cold, beautiful, aromatic and other na
乌贼骨可用于刷洗铝制锅、盆及热水瓶外盖等,只要轻刷几下,即可洁白如新,同时又不损坏质料. Cuttlefish bone can be used to brush aluminum pan, pot and thermos cover,