
来源 :中华武术(研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyjlxy
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文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,从国学形象的视角下以中国武术正面形象的塑造与传播作为研究对象,对中国武术正面形象的塑造与传播进行了系统的研究与分析。研究认为:国家形象的塑造和传播有赖于武术正面形象的塑造与传播。塑造武术的文化形象能够有效提升国家形象的文化印象;塑造武术体育形象能够有效促使国家形象获得世界认同;塑造武术艺术形象能够有效推进国家形象的国际传播;塑造武术君子形象有利于改善中国国家形象的负面印象;塑造武术体育形象能够有效促使国家形象获得世界认同。 By using the methods of literature review and logical analysis, this essay makes a systematic study and analysis of the shaping and dissemination of the positive image of Chinese Wushu from the perspective of the image of Chinese culture and taking the shaping and spreading of the positive image of Chinese Wushu as the research object. According to the research, the shaping and dissemination of national image depends on the shaping and dissemination of the positive image of Wushu. Shaping the cultural image of martial arts can effectively enhance the cultural impression of the national image; shaping the image of martial arts sports can effectively promote the recognition of the national image of the world; shaping the artistic image of martial arts can effectively promote the international dissemination of the national image; shaping the image of a gentleman of the martial arts helps to improve the national image of China The negative impression; shaping the image of martial arts sports can effectively promote the recognition of the national image of the world.
This study is for investigating the direct electro-deoxidation of mixed TiO_2-MnO_2 powder to prepare TiMn_2 alloy in molten calcium chloride.The influences of
目的 分析乳腺癌麦默通微创旋切术前超声漏诊原因.方法 收集104例(142个癌灶)乳腺癌患者的临床、病理及超声资料,比较术前漏诊(漏诊组)及诊断正确者(诊断正确组)这些资料的差
目的 探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者血清25羟基维生素D3[25-(OH)D3]水平的表达及其与自身抗体间的关系.方法 选取SLE患者80例,根据SLE疾病活动度评分(SLEDAI)分为SLE活动期组(
一江秋水   流动,满怀秋思   那一江月影,游移   夜的迷离     梦里的桂华婆娑   那暗香浮动   却越不过——   千山万水的乡愁     一枕泪痕   惊醒:深深浅浅的冰冷   何处悲鸦又啼   黯然销魂     今夜无眠   任点点斑斑枯黄,涂抹   窗前那被风刮破的   褪色窗花     英雄铜像   站立在斜阳栖息的石座上   这尊铜像,仿佛还在硝烟战火之中   坚挺庄严的傲视