Design Quality Is Essential to Excellent Project

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Northwest Electric Power Design Institute (NWEPDI)was established in 1956. The institute undertakes the engineering exploration, survey and design of thermal electric power plant, conventional island of nuclear power plant, power transmission and substati
According to the source fromthe Construction Departmentof Ministry of Energy,it is planned to addin nationwide this year 55 medium andlarge sized power generati
继南部的深圳、东部的上海浦东、北部的天津滨海之后,西部的成都和重庆从提出申请的8个地区中脱颖而出,成为国家级综合配套改革试验区。  2007年6月7日,国务院决定,成都和重庆同时成为国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区。  去年和前年,上海浦东和天津滨海分别“获封”国家级综合改革配套试验区,此番成渝同时折桂,加上一直拥有改革先行先试权的特区深圳,中国的东、南、西、北四个地区,就各自拥有了一块综合改革的试
The exploitable potential of hydropower resources in the1,800,000 km~2 Yangtze basin is 197 GW,corresponding to anannual electricity generation of 1030 TWh,whil
Based on the successful operation of 1200 kW turbo-typemodel generator with separated evaporative cooling ofboth stator and rotor,a 50 MVA turbo-type synchronou
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The Jinshajiang River is a river with the richest exploitablehydropower resources in China.According to the latestdata,the total installed capacity of its main
Huaneng Shidongkou Second Power Plant(SSPP)is situatedon the south bank of the Yangtze River near the northwest skirts ofShanghai Municipality.It is a supercrit