
来源 :长江流域资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:racheal2009
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以洞庭盆地东部地区的南大膳、新河口、郭镇市、新墙、桃林寺5幅1955年和1983年1∶50 000地形图为数据源,运用地理信息系统(GIS)技术对数据进行矢量化、数字高程模型和形变模型构建,得到研究区地表垂直形变空间分布图,并结合研究区地表垂直形变分布图、洞庭盆地地质资料以及泥沙淤积资料,对研究区地表垂直形变的原因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)1955~1983年期间,南大膳-新河口地区沉降区面积大于抬升区,在其沉降区,构造沉降起主导作用,促使地表沉降,而在其抬升区,泥沙淤积和人类活动起主导作用,促使地表抬升;(2)郭镇市-新墙-桃林寺地区抬升区面积远远大于沉降区,其沉降区基本沿水域分布,流水冲刷与人类活动起主导作用,促使地表沉降,而抬升区主要表现为一般抬升,主要受幕阜山隆起影响;(3)盆地中心中部地区(南大膳-新河口)受构造沉降影响,以沉降为主,但局部地区在流水冲刷、泥沙淤积和人类活动影响下,或沉降加深,或地表抬升;盆地边缘地区(郭镇市-新墙-桃林寺)受到构造抬升影响,以抬升为主,但局部受流水冲刷、泥沙淤积和人类活动影响,或沉降,或抬升加强。因此,研究洞庭盆地地表垂直形变分布状况及原因,对掌握洞庭盆地演变趋势和洞庭盆地的工农业规划建设具有重要的理论意义。 Taking the data of Nan Daban, Xinhekou, Guozhen, Xinqiang and Taolin Temple in the eastern area of ​​Dongting Basin as the data source, 5 topographic maps from 1955 to 1983 and 1:50 000 in 1983 were collected. Data were analyzed using Geographic Information System (GIS) Digital elevation model and deformation model, the spatial distribution of vertical deformation in the study area was obtained. Based on the vertical distribution of surface deformation in the study area, geological data of Dongting Basin and sediment deposition data, the causes of vertical deformation in the study area were studied analysis. The results show that: (1) During the period from 1955 to 1983, the area of ​​settlements in Nanda-xianhekou area is larger than that in the uplifted area. In the subsidence area, the tectonic subsidence plays a leading role in causing the settlement of the land surface. In the area of ​​uplift, sedimentation and Human activities play a leading role in promoting the elevation of the earth’s surface; (2) The area of ​​the uplift in Guozhen-Xintiandi-Taolimuji area is much larger than that in the subsidence area. The sedimentation area basically distributes along the water area and runs flush with human activities. (3) The middle part of central basin (Nan Dachang-Xinhekou) is affected by tectonic subsidence and is dominated by subsidence. However, in some areas, water erosion , Sedimentation and human activities, or subsidence deepened, or surface uplift; the edge of the basin (Guozhen City - New Wall - Taolin Temple) affected by tectonic uplift, mainly to lift, but by the local water erosion, sediment Siltation and human activities, or settlement, or uplift strengthened. Therefore, studying the status and causes of surface vertical deformation in Dongting Basin has important theoretical significance in grasping the evolution trend of Dongting Basin and the industrial and agricultural planning and construction in Dongting Basin.
1994年,三门湾电力基地的建设取得了两项较大的进展。 (1)核电厂首期 2×100万 kW工程项目建议书已由电力部上报国家计委,争取在1995年批准立项。该项目总投资为212亿元。为
“把该放的权力放掉,把该管的事务管好”,这是管与放的简单表达,体现了新一届政府力推职能转变的决心。  国务院总理李克强6月19日主持召开国务院常务会议,决定再取消和下放32项行政审批,包括取消能源企业发展建设规划审批、铁路客货直通运输审批、出版单位变更登记等,下放电力业务许可、港澳台在内地设立独资医院审批等。  簡政放权,可以让政府回到应有的位置、履行应有的职能,这是公权回归公共服务的可喜进步。“
[德国《法兰克福汇报》1994年4月22日报道] 在24小时内,日本发生两起核设施事故。4月20日,东海村钚工厂的3名工人受到放射性污染。21日,位于日本西部福井的美滨核电厂3号机