
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jldxxys
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研究性学习以转变学生的学习方式为出发点,以培养今天的学生能适应明天社会的需要为己任。语文学科研究性学习,是指学生在语文学科领域和现实生活情境中,通过发现问题、调查研究、表达与交流等探究活动,获得语文知识技能,培养学习态度、研究意识、实践和创新能力。整个语文学科研究性学习过程中,教师不像一般语文学科课堂教学活动那样,以施教者的身份存在,而是扮演引导者角色,这样就更能凸现出学生在学习中的主体地位。那么,语文教师又如何“引导”呢?可以从以下几个方面着手。 一、激发学生的问题意识 课题研究形式的研究性学习,其起始点就是发现问题,提出问题。作为问题研究学习的载体——“问题”,它主要来自于丰富多彩的语文活动、社会活动以及学生原有的生活体验与课文的知识、情感碰撞而产生的困惑。因此,要从 Research-based learning is based on the transformation of students’ learning methods, and it is our responsibility to train today’s students to meet the needs of tomorrow’s society. The research study of Chinese subjects means that students learn knowledge, skills, training attitude, research consciousness, practice, and innovation through inquiry activities such as finding problems, investigating, researching, expressing, and communicating in the field of Chinese subjects and real life situations. In the process of research study in the entire Chinese language discipline, the teacher does not exist as a teacher in the classroom teaching activities of the general Chinese language. Instead, it plays a role of a guider, which can better highlight the student’s dominant position in learning. Then, how can language teachers “guide” it? We can start from the following aspects. First, to stimulate students’ awareness of problems Research in the form of research studies, the starting point is to find problems and raise questions. As the carrier of problem study and study, “problem”, it mainly comes from the colorful language activities, social activities, and students’ original life experiences and the knowledge and emotions of the text. Therefore, from
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