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血玉通常都是古老的玉石形成的,年代非常久远,有的血玉经过千年才形成。这种玉石的主要色泽为红色,质地坚韧、细密、凝润,且具有很好的雕琢加工特性和观赏、收藏价值。很多人相信血玉是指透了血进去的玉石,不是指一种天然玉,不管是翡翠和阗玉,还是黄玉等诸类,只要是真的透了血的,就是血玉。相传,当人落葬的时候,作为衔玉的玉器,被强行塞入人口,若人刚死,一口气咽下的当时玉被塞入,便会随气落入咽喉,进入血管密布之中,多年之后,血丝透过玉体直达玉心,便会形成血玉。人们 Blood jade are usually formed by ancient jade, the age is very long, and some blood jade formed after a thousand years. The main color of this jade is red, tough texture, fine, condensate, and has a good carving processing characteristics and ornamental, collection value. Many people believe that blood jade refers to the blood into the jade, does not mean a natural jade, whether it is jade and jade jade, or topaz and other categories, as long as it is really through the blood, blood jade. According to legend, when a man burial, as a jade jade, was forced into the population, if people die, then swallow the jade was swallowed, it will fall into the throat gas, into the vascular Years later, bloodshot jade body directly through the jade heart, it will form blood jade. people
Neutron imaging is a non-destructive technique for investigating the internal structures and material compositions of optically opaque objects.The basic princip
Researches,such as measurement of doublebeta decay in nuclear physics,neutrino measurement in particle physics and dark matter directmeasurement in new physics,
The project is supported by National Program on Key Basic Research Project.The main task of the project includes the construction of the Bamboo thermal neutron
《铸造技术》杂志,月刊,1979年创刊,中国铸造协会会刊,中文核心期刊,国内外公开发行,国内邮发代号:52-64,国外发行号:M855,中国标准刊号:ISSN 1000-8365/CN61-1134/TG。报道
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Neutron depth profiling(NDP)is a nondestructive technique for measuring the depth profiles of some light elements(e.g.,~3 He,~(10)B,~6Li,etc.)in the near-surfac