根据新疆生产建设兵团维美德拖拉机及农具生产性能试验协调小组提出的要求,石河子大学工学院机械电气工程系组织有关专家对芬兰维美德公司的 8750型拖拉机及其配套的法国 KUHN公司 MANAGER6T半悬挂犁在农二师 29团进行了生产适应性试验。试验的目的是测定拖拉机的动力性能指标
According to the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Valmet tractor and tools required by the production performance test coordination group, Shihezi University Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, the organization of experts on the Valmet Company Finland 8750 tractors and its supporting France KUHN MANAGER6T semi-suspended plow 29 groups in the second division of agricultural production adaptability test. The purpose of the test is to determine the dynamic performance of the tractor