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美国海岸警卫队已经订购了3架施韦策RU一38A侦察机来帮助捕捉毒品走私者。这种双座飞机罕有的串列发动机设计,使它可以利用其两个350马力发动机中任何一个来有效地巡航,装在双尾横梁前部的雷达和红外传感器具有广阔的视野。 The US Coast Guard has ordered three Schweizer RU-38A reconnaissance planes to help capture drug smugglers. The rare tandem engine design of this two-seater makes it possible to cruise effectively with any of its two 350-horsepower engines. The radar and infrared sensors mounted on the front of the double-tailed beam have a wide field of view.
当杰斐逊于1753年11月底离开费城去安纳波利斯时,他将帕齐托付给了弗朗西斯·霍普金森的寡母托马斯·霍普金森太太。弗朗西斯也是《独立宣言》的 When Jefferson left Phila
Some of the salaries being paid in the City may seem extravagant byBritish Standards, but on Wall Street few eyebrows would be raised bypackages totaling only
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“See there’s a dying birdin the tree,” Li called to mefrom the window. Hearingthis, I rushed over and lookedin the direction of his finger.There on the tree
Dialoglle A(A=A Chinese Assistant Captain 中国副船长;B=A Foreign ChiefOfficer 外轮大副)A:Have you ever been here before? Dialoglle A (A=A Chinese Assistant Ca
我正提着凡高的名画“向日葵”,从一个教室走向另一个教室,一位三年级的女生拦住我问,“这是谁画的?” I was carrying Van Gogh’s famous painting “Sunflower” from o
Passage OneBob Simpson owns a small shop.One day,a man came into Simp-son’s shop and said to him that he was a city inspector.He sternlypointed at several bas