美国加利福尼亚州1997年1月发生了该州自70年代以来的第二次大洪水。洪水使加州数条河流的堤防坍塌,沿中央河各201km 范围内的农村地区严重受灾。造成9人死亡,777km~2土地受淹,至少2万所民宅受损,灾害损失约16亿美元。这次洪水除了使人们更清楚地了解现有防洪系统的缺陷外,还为采用新的洪水管理方法提供了机会。与该州目前所依赖的耗资数十亿
California, USA In January 1997, the second largest flood in the state since the 1970s occurred. Floods collapsed embankments on several rivers in California and were seriously affected in rural areas within 201km of the Central River. Killing 9 people, killing 777km2, flooding at least 20,000 homes and losing about $ 1.6bn of disasters. In addition to providing a better understanding of the shortcomings of existing flood protection systems, the flood also provided an opportunity to introduce a new approach to flood management. The bill that the state depends on now costs billions