2001年一等奖项目介绍 中国实现无脊髓灰质炎—国家防制体系建立、策略研究与实施

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脊髓灰质炎(以下简称脊灰)是曾在中国广泛流行病严重危害人民健康的一种传染病。1988年5月第41届世界卫生大会提出全球2000年消灭脊灰的目标。我国所属的世界卫生组织西太区确立了1 995年本区消灭脊灰的目标。1 991年我国政府签署了“世界儿童首脑会议“的两个文件,对消灭脊灰的目标做出了政治承诺.并在国务院颁发的《九十年代中国儿童发展规划纲要》中,把消灭脊灰作为我国政府的工作目标之一。 本课题详细阐述了我国在脊灰监测系统和无脊灰的证实等方面的研究及方法。鉴于本课题在国内外产生的重大影响,项目主要完成人被世界卫生组织聘为全球扩大免疫规划全球顾问组和全球消灭脊灰证实委员会的成员。1 997年卫生部疾病控制司接受世界卫生组织和诸福棠奖,在2000年第九届世界公共卫生联盟国际会议上,获“联盟”首次设立的特别贡献奖。文详见10、11、12版《中华医学科技奖。》 Polio (hereinafter referred to as polio) is an infectious disease that has caused widespread epidemics in China that seriously endanger people’s health. In May 1988, the 41st World Health Assembly proposed the global 2000 era of polio eradication. China’s World Health Organization’s Western Pacific Region established its goal of eradicating polio in the region in 1995. In 991, the Chinese government signed two documents of the “World Children’s Summit” and made a political commitment to eradicate polio. In the “Outline of the Chinese Children’s Development Plan for the 1990s” issued by the State Council, Ash is one of the objectives of our government. This topic elaborated the research and methods of our country in the polio monitoring system and the confirmation of no polio. In view of the significant impact of the project at home and abroad, the project’s main contributors have been recruited by the World Health Organization as members of the Global Advisory Group on Expanded Immunization Programmes and members of the Global Verification Commission for Polio Eradication. In 997, the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Health received the World Health Organization and the Zhufu Award. At the 9th International Conference of the World Public Health Federation in 2000, it was awarded the “Union” Special Contribution Award for the first time. For details, see the 10th, 11th, and 12th editions of the Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award. 》
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前言华山松(Pinus armandi Franh)为高大乔木,树干通直饱满,木材轻软多脂,材质优良,为云南主要用材树种之一。其中滇中、滇东分布比较普遍,它的垂直分布大致在海拔1600~3400
十余年前在葡萄主要产地山梨县等地发生了果实糖分大幅度降低的病毒病,无论生食或 造均不适用,原因不明,只好砍伐。笔者最近发现与两种病毒有关,一为葡萄无味果病毒Grapeuine
<正> 当前,在农村使用石硫合剂时,往往手头缺少波美比重计或其他仪器,无法测知原液浓度,不知道该加多少倍水才合适。既怕加水多了不起防治作用,又怕加水少了发生药害。 现介
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
1、由共青团陕西省委、团西安市委共同主办的“争当四好少年”开学主题日活动于3月4日在黄河小学举行。 1, organized by the Communist Youth League Shaanxi Provincial P
贝多芬说:我情愿写10000个音符,也不愿写一个字母。  而我,情愿用10000个字,去换贝多芬的一个音符。但我知道,他根本不稀罕。  有什么办法?在伟大的艺术与它谦卑的粉丝之间,就存在着这种不平等。  但我依旧虔诚地朝拜着,并且相信:每写下10000个字,就与音乐圣殿的距离又近了一个音符……   起初,是我的耳朵先认识他们的,他们操着南腔北调,打来电话:“喂?您好,我是×××唱片公司的企划宣传,