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In the spring of 1993, the Foreign Languages Department of Chengdu Science and Engineering College was established. Mr. Luo Yi Jun was made director of the department. With his efforts, the department has become an entity of teaching, training and research and a base of the Ministry of Geological Mineral Resources for training people going abroad, involved in foreign affairs and doing translations in foreign trade. Besides teaching, Mr. Luo is diligent in writing. Within 7 years, he has written and pubIished 5 monographs and textbooks about 1,200,000 words, and 5 thesis and translations about 3o,oOo words, which have been highly appraised by the specialists in the same field. In the spring of 1993, the Foreign Languages ​​Department of Chengdu Science and Engineering College was established. Mr. Luo Yi Jun was made director of the department. With his efforts, the department has become an entity of teaching, training and research and a base of the Ministry of Geological Mineral Resources for training people going abroad, involved in foreign affairs and doing translations in foreign trade. Besides teaching, Mr. Luo is diligent in writing. Within 7 years, he has written and pubished 5 monographs and textbooks about 1,200,000 words, and 5 translations of about 3o, oOo words, which have been highly appraised by the specialists in the same field.
去氢表雄酮或3-甲氧基雌酮与聚甲醛、咪唑一锅反应,直接而简便地合成了16-咪唑甲基或16-羟甲基-16-咪唑甲基甾酮。 Dehydroepiandrosterone or 3-methoxy estrone and polyoxymethylene,
本文对业余武术运动员的选材,进行了科学、系统的探索和论述。 This article makes a scientific and systematic exploration and discussion of the selection of amateur
中共第三代领导集体对我们所处的知识经济时代的科学概括 ,突出知识和科技在社会经济发展中的重要作用 ,既与马克思主义存在一脉相承的关系 ,又反映了时代特征 ,体现了第三代
本文考察了五种磺酸催化下α-蒎烯直接水合反应,探讨了酸强度对水合反应的影响,成功地合成了具有光学活性α-松油醇。 In this paper, the direct hydration of α-pinene catal