Double balloon enteroscopy in children: Diagnosis,treatment, and safety

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxiao19810628
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AIM:To assess the feasibility and utility of double balloon enteroscopy(DBE)in the management of small bowel diseases in children. METHODS:Fourteen patients(10 males)with a median age of 12.9 years(range 8.1-16.7)underwent DBE; 5 for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome(PJ syndrome),2 for chronic abdominal pain,4 for obscure gastrointestinal (GI)bleeding,2 with angiomatous malformations(1 blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome)having persistent GI bleeding,and 1 with Cowden’s syndrome with multiple polyps and previous intussusception.Eleven procedures were performed under general anesthesia and 3 with deep sedation. RESULTS:The entire small bowel was examined in 6 patients,and a length between 200 cm and 320 cm distal to pylorus in the remaining 8.Seven patients had both antegrade(trans-oral)and retrograde(transanal and via ileostomy)examinations.One patient underwent DBE with planned laparoscopic assistance.The remaining 6 had trans-oral examination only.The median examination time was 118 min(range 95-195). No complications were encountered.Polyps were detected and successfully removed in all 5 patients with PJ syndrome,in a patient with tubulo-villous adenoma of the duodenum,in a patient with significant anemia and occult bleeding,and in a patient with Cowden’s syndrome.A diagnosis was made in a patient with multiple angiomata not amenable to endotherapy,and in 1 with a discrete angioma which was treated with argon plasma coagulation.The source of bleeding was identified in a further patient with varices.DBE was normal or revealed minor mucosal friability in the remaining 3 patients.Hence a diagnostic yield of 11/14 with therapeutic success in 9/14 was achieved. CONCLUSION:Double balloon enteroscopy can be a useful diagnostic and therapeutic tool for small bowel disease in children,allowing endo-therapeutic intervention beyond the reach of the conventional endoscope. METHODS: Fourteen patients (10 males) with a median age of 12.9 years (range 8.1-16.7) underwent DBE; 5 for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJ syndrome), 2 for chronic abdominal pain, 4 for obscure gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, 2 with angiomatous malformations (1 blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome) having persistent GI bleeding, and 1 with Cowden’s syndrome with multiple polyps and previous intussusception. Eleven procedures were performed under general anesthesia and 3 with deep sedation. RESULTS: The entire small bowel was examined in 6 patients, and a length between 200 cm and 320 cm distal to pylorus in the remaining 8. Seven patients had both antegrade (trans-oral) and retrograde (transanal and via ileostomy) examinations. One patient underwent DBE with planned laparoscopic assistance. remaining 6 had trans-oral examination only. The median examination time was 118 min (range 95-19 5). No complicated were encountered. Polyps were detected and successfully removed in all 5 patients with PJ syndrome, in a patient with tubulo-villous adenoma of the duodenum, in a patient with significant anemia and occult bleeding, and in a patient with Cowden’s syndrome. A diagnosis was made in a patient with multiple angiomata not amenable to endotherapy, and in 1 with a discrete angioma which was treated with argon plasma coagulation. The source of bleeding was identified in a further patient with varices. DBE was normal or revealed minor mucosal friability in the remaining 3 patients .ence a diagnostic yield of 11/14 with therapeutic success in 9/14 was achieved. CONCLUSION: Double balloon enteroscopy can be a useful diagnostic and therapeutic tool for small bowel disease in children, allowing endo- therapeutic intervention beyond the reach of the conventional endoscope
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