
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crossskyfreely
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目的:了解中年护士的工作压力源与心理健康状况,分析中年护士的工作压力与心理健康状况之间相关性。方法:选择金华市中医院和金华市人民医院102名40岁以上护士,采用一般情况调查表及员工疲劳综合征量表,对中年护士的工作压力源与心理健康状况进行调查,并对两者进行相关分析。结果:共收回有效问卷102份,临床护士工作压力源前五位分别是上班的护士数量少、经常倒班值夜班、非护理性工作太多、工资及其他的福利待遇低和护理工作社会地位低。护士主要躯体症状为乏力、疲惫,占94.12%;头痛占82.36%;肌紧张、腰背酸痛占80.39%。运用Pearson直线相关分析结果表明,护士工作压力与护士心理状况呈正相关。结论:工作压力是影响心理健康的主要因素,医院管理者应增加护理人员力量,减轻护士工作压力,增加护理人员晋升晋级机会,改善护理人员工作福利待遇和工作环境,增强护理人员的职业认同感及工作成就感,促进护士的身心健康。 Objective: To understand the working pressure source and mental health of middle-aged nurses and to analyze the correlation between working pressure and mental health status of middle-aged nurses. Methods: A total of 102 nurses over 40 years old from Jinhua Municipal Hospital of TCM and Jinhua People’s Hospital were selected to investigate the working pressure source and mental health status of middle-aged nurses by using the general questionnaire and the fatigue syndrome scale. Related analysis. Results: A total of 102 valid questionnaires were collected. The top five clinical nurses’ working pressure were the small number of nurses who went to work, the frequent night shift, the non-nursing work, the low salary and other benefits and the low social status of nursing work . The main physical symptoms of nurses were fatigue and fatigue, accounting for 94.12%; headache accounted for 82.36%; muscle tension, back pain accounted for 80.39%. The results of Pearson’s linear correlation analysis showed that the working pressure of nurses was positively correlated with the psychological status of nurses. Conclusion: The working pressure is the main factor affecting mental health. The hospital manager should increase the nursing staff strength, reduce the work pressure of nurses, increase the nurses’ promotion and promotion opportunities, improve the working welfare and work environment of nurses, enhance the occupational identification of nurses And a sense of job satisfaction, nurses to promote physical and mental health.
选择我院2001~2008年用高孜班糖浆治疗心律不齐136例,疗效满意,现报告如下.rn1 临床资料rn本组136例,男59例,女77例;年龄平均21~66岁;发病时间6个月~11年.主要症状:心慌,气短,烦
目的:比较两种仪器Chromamcter CM2500d和Maxmeter MX18在客观测量正常皮肤颜色及紫外线照射后皮肤颜色时的异同.方法:Chromameter CM2500d的输出结果为L*a*,Maxmeter MX18的
目的:了解高校教师职业倦怠现状.方法:采用Maslach Burnout Iinventory(MBI)-ES量表为研究工具,选取某高校教师为调查对象,运用整群抽样的方法,共发放220份问卷,回收220份,有