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为准确衡量我国本土企业对金融服务贸易产品技术附加值的贡献份额,本文以Lall技术分类和产品技术复杂度指数为基础,运用垂直专业化比率指数和国内技术含量指数并利用联合国贸易发展委统计数据,剥离金融服务贸易产品因承接离岸金融服务外包业务而由国外贡献的技术含量份额,测算我国金融服务贸易技术含量的国内贡献份额。测算结果发现,我国金融服务贸易产品国内技术含量无论是从绝对数值还是增长率上看都获得明显提升,而且国内技术含量与整体技术含量保持同步变化趋势。表明我国金融服务贸易质量正通过本土企业的技术创新和外资企业技术溢出效应方式提升。或者说,脱离粗放式贸易模式应大力发展离岸金融外包业务,以技术溢出、技术扩散和技术模仿再创新方式提高金融服务贸易的国内技术含量和我国金融服务贸易的国际竞争力。 In order to accurately measure the contribution of domestic companies to the added value of financial services trade products, this paper uses the Lall technology classification and product technology complexity index as the basis, and uses the vertical specialization ratio index and domestic technology content index and utilizes the statistics of the United Nations Trade Development Committee. Data, the financial content of the financial services trade products from the offshore financial services outsourcing business contributed by the contribution of foreign technology content, the calculation of China’s financial services trade technology content of the domestic contribution share. The calculation results show that the domestic technical content of China’s financial service trade products has been significantly improved both in terms of absolute value and growth rate, and the domestic technology content and overall technical content have kept the trend of simultaneous changes. It shows that the quality of China’s financial services trade is improving through the technological innovation of local companies and the technology spillover effect of foreign-funded enterprises. Or, in order to break away from the extensive trade model, offshore financial outsourcing business should be vigorously developed to increase the domestic technical content of financial service trade and the international competitiveness of China’s financial service trade through technology spillover, technology diffusion, and technology imitation and innovation.
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