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  confine的意思为“将……控制/限制在……范围内”,通常用于词组confine... to...(把……限定在……),其名词形式为confinement。比如:
  Health officials have successfully confined the epidemic to the area. 卫生官员已经成功地将该传染病控制在这个地区。
  They decided not to let their new dog run loose, confining it to a fenced enclosure during the day. 他们决定不让新养的狗到处乱跑,白天把它关在围栏里。
  An organisation aiming at solving local issues should spend its money helping people who live in the same country, but it should not confine itself to a single country if an organisation sets its eyes on global issues. 致力于解决区域问题的机构应该将善款用于帮助生活在同一国家的人,但是如果一个机构关注全球问题,那它就不应该局限在一个国家了。(2016/8/20,慈善机构应该只帮助本国人吗?)
  But we all know that confinement to oneself is no good, no matter how many friends or fans you may have online. As part of the solution to the problem, I would suggest everybody have an “Internet-free moment”. 但是我们都知道,无论你在网上有多少朋友或者粉丝,封闭自我都不好。为了解决这个问题,我提出一个方案,建议每个人都有一个“无网络时刻”。(2016/9/24,城市居民不再互相交往的原因及解决办法)
  However, it does not follow that university students must confine themselves to the library and the classroom. Quite the opposite, they ought to engage in as many extracurricular activities as possible, for if the academic study makes them prepared intellectually, these club activities may be helpful to their future career in many different ways. 然而,这并不意味着大学生必须局限于图书馆和教室。相反,他们应该尽可能多地从事课外活动。因为如果说学习为他们储备了知识,那这些社团活动或能以许多不同的方式助力他们未来的职业生涯。(2017/8/26,大学生应该参加课外活动吗?)
  With dwindled outdoor areas, people will find themselves confined to the limited number of indoor activities. If in the past they were able to engage in such activities as walking, gardening, weeding, and planting in their backyard, when they got back home from work, now what people can do is sitting in the sofa and watching TV. 隨着室外区域的减少,人们会发现自己局限于有限的室内活动。如果过去下班回家后,他们能在后院从事散步、园艺、除草、种树等活动,现在人们能做的就是坐在沙发上看电视。(2020/1/16,室外空间越来越少是好还是坏?)
  derive的基本意思为“获得,得到;衍生”,相当于get、obtain,通常用于词组derive... from...(从……获得;从……衍生而来)。比如:   Mr. Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others. 英先生是那种以助人为乐的快活人。
  This word is derived from a Greek word. 这个词从一个希腊单词衍生而来。
  Further still, people can perhaps derive more happiness and satisfaction from their success in individual sports, and this sense of self-recognition is an essential skill in their work and life. 此外,人们可能从个人运动的成功中获得更多的幸福和满足,这种自我认同感是他们工作和生活中必不可少的技能。(2018/9/29,团队活动比个人活动能教我们更多生活技能吗?)
  compel绝对算得上一个万能单词,使用非常广泛,表示“强迫;迫使”,意思相当于force、make,搭配是compel somebody to do something(强迫某人做某事)。比如:
  The heavy rain compelled us to stay indoors. 大雨迫使我们留在家里。
  Except for the very few who may take art as their lifelong career, the great majority of students will not get a job in relation to art when they finish their high school. Besides, what is the point of compelling a student who has no interest in art to spend many hours restlessly in the art classes? 除了极少数学生会将艺术作为终身事业,绝大多数学生高中毕业后都不会从事与艺术相关的工作。此外,如果一个学生对艺术不感兴趣,那么强迫他长时间心神不宁地待在艺术课上有什么意义?(2017/1/7,艺术课程应该成为高中必修课吗?)
  However, I believe the intensified competition resulting from the arrival of the foreign food is beneficial to the long-term development of the local food industry, because it will compel the local food companies to improve the quality of their products, which in turn will make them more competitive in the global market. 然而,我相信,隨着外国食品到来而引起的激烈竞争对本地食品业的长远发展是有好处的,因为它会迫使本地食品公司改进产品质量,这反过来会让它们在国际市场上更具竞争力。(2018/5/13,食用进口食品利大于弊吗?)
  For example, a paper-making factory will be more careful with its wastes if it is compelled to pay a tremendous amount of money for the water it pollutes, and a car owner may choose to use public transport if he is made to pay an extra pollution fee for driving. 例如,如果强迫造纸厂为其污染的水支付巨额费用,它就会更加小心地处理其废物;如果让车主为驾驶而支付额外的污染费,他有可能选择使用公共交通工具。(2019/10/26,该由谁来负责清理环境?)
  expose本义为“揭穿;暴露”,但常用于表达“使接触,使处于……影响或作用之下”的意思,用于词组expose... to...,其名词形式为exposure。比如:
  It’s very foolish of the commander to expose his men to unnecessary risks. 这个指挥官让士兵冒不必要的危险,真是太愚蠢了。
  Don’t expose your skin to the sun for too long at noon, or it will easily get burnt. 正午的时候不要让皮肤在阳光下暴晒太久,否则很容易晒伤。
  Besides, as many secondary school students are not yet mature intellectually and mentally, the excessive exposure to international news may actually have negative influence on their ways of looking at their own country. 此外,许多中学生在智力和精神上都还没有成熟,过度接触国际新闻实际上可能会对他们看待自己国家的方式造成负面影响。(2020/8/16,中学生应该学习国际新闻课吗?)   As I see it, the excessive exposure to these criminal scenes will negatively influence newspaper readers and TV viewers, thus increasing the likelihood of their committing the same crimes in real life, but to restrict them on media is quite another story. 在我看来,看到太多犯罪场景将对报纸读者和电视观众产生负面影响,从而增加他们在现实生活中犯下同样罪行的可能性,但在媒体上限制这些描写则是另一回事。(2020/10/24,是否应该限制报纸电视中的犯罪描写?)
  Catering to the psychological needs of children, many advertisements describe the world in highly imaginative and unrealistic manners. For instance, when they want to promote their toy weapons, they will describe the world as a place full of bad guys. A child exposed to such advertising may develop a deep sense of hostility to the world. 為了迎合孩子的心理需求,很多广告用极其富于想象力和不现实的方式描述这个世界。比如说,当广告商想要推广玩具武器时,他们会将世界描述为一个充满了坏蛋的地方。孩子若是处于这样的广告环境下,可能会对世界产生很深的敌意。(2016/2/20,儿童广告应该被禁止吗?)
  Today he was able to focus his message exclusively on economy. 今天他做到了将重点全部聚焦在经济方面。
  Up till that time, his interest had focused almost exclusively on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft. 直到那时,他的兴趣几乎全部聚焦在全面掌握工艺技能和技术上。
  The government in any country provides funding for the development of its higher education, but there are divided opinions about where this government funding should go. Should it go exclusively to those “top students” or indiscriminately to all students? 任何国家的政府都为本国高等教育的发展提供资助,但关于政府资助该用在哪里却有不同观点。它是该只用于“优秀学生”还是不加区分地用于所有学生?(2017/6/24,政府应该只资助优秀学生吗?)
  Charity organisations are supposed to offer help to people in great need, such as those suffering from incurable diseases, natural disasters and unexpected accidents. Yet one issue is still in debate: to whom should the money of charity organisations go, exclusively to people who live in the same country as the organisations, or to all people regardless of where they live? 慈善组织应为急需帮助的人提供帮助,比如身患不治之症的人、遭受自然灾害的人和遭遇意外事故的人。然而,有一个问题仍在争论中:慈善组织的钱该用在谁身上,应该仅用于与机构同一国家的人,还是用于所有人而不论居住地?(2016/8/20,慈善机构应该只帮助本国人吗?)
顾问委员会  柴明熲 上海外国语大学教授  陈国华 北京外国语大学教授  辜正坤 北京大学教授  黄友义 中国翻译协会常务副会长、中国翻译研究院副院长  连真然 四川省翻译协会副会长  刘士聪 南开大学教授  許 钧 中国翻译协会常务副会长、浙江大学教授  仲伟合 中国翻译协会常务副会长、澳门城市大学教授  评审委员会  主任评委  王广州 北京师范大学副教授、博导  终审评委  郭乙瑶 北京师范
It’s no surprise that the widespread use of social media for communicating ideas, personal and professional stories and experiences has had a profound effect on the overall way people communicate toda
常常有初涉翻譯的同学问我,做好翻译需要哪些过程?其实,这跟做其他学术也没有什么不同,无非还是那“三板斧”——理论、历史、实践。具体到翻译上,就是翻译理论,包括具有描述、解释、预测功能的纯翻译理论,以及具有指导功能的应用翻译理论,具有借鉴功能的翻译史,还有具有实用功能的翻译实践。  法国哲学家帕斯卡曾经说过:“智慧胜于知识。”如果说,知识回答的是“是什么”,那么,智慧回答的就是“怎么样”和“为什么”
【譯者言】 翻译必须考虑语境。如何根据语境在译文中选择对应原文的最佳表达式,是机器翻译面临的一个难题,原因是机器翻译仅“根据词向量做运算,根本不知道文本的内容”(冯志伟与本文作者私信)。本期的多个注释都反映了机器翻译这方面的不足。遇到俗语、习语之类整体表达式,机器基本都译错了,把整个构造逐词解读,导致无法提供正确译文。这方面的问题其实并不难解决。扩大翻译软件的俗语和习语库,即可大大提升译文的准确率
【1】 The Chinese term of “Shuxiang (書香)” is literally translated as “the scent of books”. The term was originated from the ancient practice of protecting books from being eaten by moths. The ancients w
【1】 The phrase, “scent of books”, has existed since ancient times. Historically, people placed the leaves of a strong-scented herb called citronella in between the pages of their books to keep bookwor
In this canvas, Renoir has returned to one of his favorite spots along the Seine to explore again the beauties of the glinting water. True to Impressionist practice, the artist focuses on the glorious
Bethany Gaskin1, aka Blove, sits in front of the screen with a wide smile on her face, casually chatting with her audience as she indulges in a fresh Cajun seafood boil2. You can hear the cracking sou
此次翻译大赛共收到汉译英参赛译文近650余篇。总的来看,大都能将原文的基本语义译出,语言层面的错误并不太多,但在语篇连贯层面表现突出的译文较少,许多译文读来逻辑松散、文字空洞,在语篇连贯方面的表现不够理想,亦不符合英语散文的审美规范。因此,本文拟从重构语篇连贯的角度对翻译策略及方法进行分析。  初读时,读者大约会感到选文中每一段似乎都有独立的主题,它们与文题丝缕相连却又并未直接呼应。这种谋篇机制是