
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quixotic
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  What is the link between a bucket of water and education?
  In many communities around the world, it's up to women and girls to provide water for their homes but when a girl has to walk for miles to fetch water, she doesn't have time to go to school or study. Women and girls spend 40 billion hours a year collecting water in sub-Saharan Africa - equivalent to a year's worth of labour by the entire French workforce, according to research. But fetching water is not the only reason girls are dropping out of school.
  In countries that lack adequate sanitation, open defecation is one of the main causes of diarrhea and children lose 272 million school days every year due to the disease.
  But even if a girl makes it to school, she may find the toilets there are designed mainly for boys, forcing her to skip school when she starts to menstruate because of a lack of privacy. Some countries lose more than $1 billion a year by failing to educate girls to the same level as boys so girls' education makes perfect sense.
THE World Vision says Siaya county has surpassed the national figure of the infant mortality rate. World Vision says the county's infant mortality rate stands at 135 per 1,000 live births against the
Companies in Asia have a major diversity problem. Compared to their western counterparts, shockingly few women hold leadership positions in these organizations.  The problem is most acute at the very
In the early spring of Beijing, the weather turned cold again after suddenly getting warm. In Beijing International Vocational Education School where there was a sign of early spring, every tree and b
世界正经历巨大变化,如今25岁以下的年轻人越来越多,达到30亿,相当于总人口的一半。但很遗憾的是,这些年轻人却得不到充分的机会,没有足够的就业岗位,相反,更易遭受由于气候变化和城市拥挤带来的各种灾害的冲击。经济危机中,劳动力市场中的年轻人所遭受的打击格外严重,他们极易被裁员,经受失业、不完全就业的痛苦,在低生产力的工作岗位上苦苦挣扎;同时也丧失了潜在的对青年人密集地区投资的人口红利。  正是这些因
避免青年约会暴力  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has developed an initiative that targets middle-school students, their parents, their teachers and others on preventing teen dating violence.  
The sky was filled with as kite flyers from around the world gathered in Khayelitsha in the run-up to the annual festival, which raises funds for one of South Africa's oldest mental health organisatio
今天能够出席联合国在10月2日为纪念伟大的和平信徒圣雄——甘地的生日而举办的第七届国际非暴力日的召开仪式,我感到非常地荣幸并在此和大家共同重申此次大会的非暴力信念。  无论是个人还是集体,我们都认为非暴力与我们的生活息息相关并且在今天我们还要重申它的重要性。今天是我们下定决心对和平文化和非暴力价值观做出庄严承诺的时候。全球的和平文化运动认为这个纪念日及其信念具有非常特殊的意义。  2007年6月举
鉴于低龄结婚给女童带来的影响和危害,国际上很多人权组织都曾对此给出过不同程度的评价和指责:童婚“偷走”了全世界数百万女孩天真的童年,而且还常导致她们陷入贫困、无知、遭受暴力、性虐待、健康不良甚至更为窘迫的生活,是当今世界发展的最大障碍之一。  暴力和性虐待  在童婚流行的地区,遭受暴力和性虐待几乎成为了众多“娃娃新娘”婚后共同的经历。2013年9月,一场童婚惨案在也门西北部哈杰省上演。小女孩拉万年
In many countries across Africa, the right of the firstborn male, or closest male relative, to inherit family property - is still standard practice. Women are denied the right to inherit the family es
在我愉快的人生旅途中,我有幸受到了各个种族、肤色和国籍之人的教诲,他们都是睿智并且爱好和平的人,他们教会我和平文化就是要以尊敬和容忍之心去对待每一个人;和平文化是平等和正义的对待所有人;是关切和理解那些不幸之人的需求,对需要救助之人伸出援助之手。和平文化是一系列价值观,需要我们从孩童到成年都不断学习。  我出生在一个伊朗家庭,教育和以母亲主导是我们家庭的准则。我有机会成为一位行医人员,确切的说是产