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  摘 要:本文通过研究中美文化中身势语的差异,旨在推动中美跨文化商务谈判的成功进行。
  Abstract:This paper attempts to study the differences of boy languages between Chinese and American with the purpose of helping promote successful cross-cultural business negotiations.
  Key words: body language, differences, cross-cultural business negotiations
  A Contrast of Body Language in Business Negotiations between China and the United States
  Ⅰ.The purpose of study
  Culture is the most foundational element that can exert great influence on the process of negotiation. In order to study the factors which impact the Sino-US business negotiations, the author introduces five functions of body language, influences of culture upon body language and negotiation and the specific body language in details. Author aimed to give reader clear guidance to Sino-US business through comparison the meaning of two cultures' body language.
  Ⅱ.Functions of Body Language
  Body language is the main part of nonverbal communication. Some scholars believe that only about 35% messages are communicated by words. Body language plays a decisive role in communication.
  1. Repetition
  Body language cannot play a role in communication dependently, but it can reinforce, stress or further explain what is said in verbal language.
  2. Substitution
  That means body language can replace verbal behavior in certain circumstances. If children are making some noises, the mother would place her index finger to her lips as an alternative to saying, "please calm down, the baby is sleeping."
  3. Complementing
  It is an important promoter. It always adds more information to message and emphasizes the meaning of what speaker wants to express. People can see how an apology becomes more forceful if his or her face or his eyes is saying: "I am sorry."
  4. Contradiction
  Contradiction means our body language actions send signals opposite from the verbal messages. If a friend tells you that he or she is so calm while his or her hands are shaking, and their voice quavers, do you till think that they are still relax and at ease?
  5. Regulation
  Sometimes our body language can help us to control or adjust situation. An eye contact in a negotiation shows his or her interesting with this plan.
  Ⅲ .Influences of Culture upon Body Language and Negotiation
  One culture would transmit to its members who always expresses in negotiations. We understand ones body language after we understand their culture. This kind of culture can pass from generation to generation. In United States people always wave good-by by placing hand out with the palm down and moving it up and down, this is a very common and friendly gesture but it is regarded as a beckon gesture, it is not accepted by the native. Culture can influence perceptions in negotiation. People in different cultures practice negotiation strategies and tactics in different way. People who have a professional skills and strategies can avoid the obstacles and difficulties in negotiations.
  Ⅳ. Body Language
  1. Facial Expression
  Facial expressions help us to transmit information or message in communication.
  In facial expressions, Chinese sometimes smile does not mean they are in great pleasure but embarrassment. While in America people consider smile as a way to show friendly to friends. In business negotiation smile is a polite expression of respect and maybe to relax the atmosphere.
  2. Posture
  Posture is in what ways people place their body. Posture is always context based. You may considered as relax or at ease when lie in chair with legs opening. But in negotiation the partner absolutely do not regard this posture is a sign of respect or politeness.
  3. Gesture
  Gesture is in what ways hands or arms are placed which help verbal language to produce more meanings. Take the gesture of beckon as example, in America they palm up and fingers more or less together and moving towards friend's body. Chinese use the gesture with the palm down to call somebody here. And the American make a circle with one's thumb and index finger while extending the other means OK while in China this gesture means zero at a very beginning.
  4. Touch
  Touch can reflect status, affection, aggression and relations between people. Touch also can reflect one's value and attitude toward partner. In America people think the intimate touch just happened between good friends and families. They always regard touch as regressive. In China, people esteem collectivism and they value intimacy, so Chinese people always have intimate touch with people, even between same sex, arm-in-arm or hand-in-hand.
  In intercultural negotiation people often need to tolerate body language which makes you uncomfortable. Do not think it is impolite and offensive. The moderate tolerate of other culture is a good wealth in negotiation. Do not immediately misunderstand other culture according your own cultural norms. Another strategy is to regulate yourselves culture thought to be fair to your partner. Such as ethnocentrism which means person always evaluate other culture according to themselves culture norms. If people hold these strategies and can have correct evaluation of different cultures, it will be much easier to avoid the problems in intercultural negotiation.
  [1] Edward, T. Hall (1999). Understanding Cultural differences. Intercultural Press.
  [2] Knapp M. L. (1978). Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction. 2 ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  [3] 毕继万,(1999),《跨文化非语言交际》[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社。
  [4] 杨平,(1994),《非语言交际评述》[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  作者简介:韩永睿(1987.6),女,汉族,山西祁县人,山西财经大学经贸外语学院 2009级研究生,主要研究方向:英语教育。
摘要:犯罪是一种复杂的社会现象,大学生作为社会知识层次较高的群体,其犯罪行为是不容回避的现象。大学生犯罪是各种因素相互影响的结果。本文从社会、学校、家庭、个人等方面分析了大学生犯罪的形成原因。  关键词:大学生 犯罪 产生的原因     随着社会主义现代化的发展,人才的重要性越来越明显,而伴随着经济的发展与改革,我国的高等教育事业也不断发展,为我国的现代化建设培养了一批批高素质人才,作为建设的栋梁
摘 要:"为他人谋取利益"是收受型受贿罪法定的构成要件。本文就该要件是否应保留,是主观要件还是客观要件,对既遂标准的影响,由此衍生的牵连犯问题在综合各家意见的基础上提出自己的观点。"为他人谋取利益"限制条件如果取消将不能分清本罪与巨额财产来源不明罪的区别,取消说在理论和司法实践上都会造成认定上的困难。  关键词:收受型受贿;为他人谋利;既遂未遂    一﹑"为他人谋取利益"究竟是主观要件还是客观要
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摘 要:据格莱斯会话原则,会话时,参与者应相互合作,即应遵守合作原则,交谈才能进行。但并非每人每时每刻都能遵守这些原则,并且也没必要,因为违反规则,恰恰产生了会话含义。本文采用格莱斯合作原则,分析《恰同学少年》中猴子石一战的谈判中违反合作原则的现象及产生的会话含义。  关键词:格莱斯,合作原则,准则,违反,会话含义     前言  格莱斯曾说:"会话时,参与者们应该相互合作,这样交谈才能进行下去"
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摘 要:改革开放以来,我国社会正处于转型时期,转型时期我国的政治、经济、文化等各个方面都发生了显著地变化,使我们的生活发生了显著变化。我国的马克思主义信仰也出现了一些问题。本文主要从社会转型时期的含义、社会转型对政治、经济、文化的影响、社会转型时期马克思主义信仰出现的问题,这三个方面阐述此问题。  关键词:社会转型 信仰 马克思主义信仰    当前中国社会处于转型时期,经济体制的变革也相应的带来政
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摘要:在我们的生活中,特别是在繁忙的城市生活中,一提到园林,首先想到的就是红花绿叶,亭台楼阁。人们感触园林,也都是先从园林的感官形式开始的,通过对园林中植物、建筑、雕塑、山水、小动物等各种构成元素的形式的欣赏,得以放松紧张心情,疏解压力,获得精神上的享受。同样,在城市居住区中,园林形式美的营造,也成为了居住区园林规划建设的首要问题。  关键词:风景园林规划;园林建筑;形式美;节奏韵律;调和与对比;