
来源 :北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vivien2009
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北京大学的文科向来驰誉海内外 ,大师辈出 ,群星灿烂 ,在传播马克思主义、新文化运动、五四爱国主义运动中作出不可磨灭的贡献 ,创造了昔日的辉煌。为适应北京大学创建世界一流大学的需要 ,振兴北京大学的文科 ,在步入新世纪之际 ,探索知识经济时代人文社会科学在经济、社会发展中的作用 ;同时为学习贯彻江泽民总书记今年 8月 7日在北戴河会见部分国防科技专家和社会科学专家提出哲学社会科学和自然科学“四个同样重要”的讲话 ,我校决定开设“北大论坛”。首届“北大论坛”于 1 1月 2日隆重开幕 ,论坛的主题为“2 1世纪 :人文与社会”。何芳川副校长主持了开坛仪式。教育部领导、校外嘉宾、校内教授代表和许智宏校长、闵维方常务副校长共同开坛。教育部副部长袁贵仁、北大校长许智宏和其他嘉宾分别致辞。仪式结束后主会场的学术讲演由人文学部主任袁行霈教授主持。五位学术报告人是 :香港证监会前主席、中国证监会首席顾问梁定邦资深大律师、北大的著名教授季羡林、香港中文大学的著名教授饶宗颐、北大的著名教授黄楠森、张维迎。报告结束后 ,北大常务副校长闵维方向学术报告人颁发证书并讲话。此次论坛的举办 ,是北大文科继今年 4月召开树立精品意识动员大会之后又一重要举措 ,它标志着北大文科一步步 The liberal arts of Peking University have always enjoyed a good reputation both at home and abroad. With great masters and splendid stars, Peking University made an indelible contribution to the dissemination of Marxism, the New Culture Movement and the May 4th Patriotic Movement and created the glory of the past. In order to meet the need of Peking University to create a world-class university and rejuvenate its liberal arts, Peking University will explore the role of humanities and social sciences in economic and social development in the era of knowledge-based economy in the new century. At the same time, in order to study and implement General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s speech this year On the 7th of January, we met with some national defense science and technology experts and social science experts in Beidaihe to submit the “four equally important” speeches of philosophy, social science and natural science. Our university decided to set up the “Beijing University Forum.” The first “Peking University Forum” was grandly opened on January 2, the theme of which was “The 21st Century: Humanities and Society.” He Fangchuan, vice president presided over the opening ceremony. Leaders of the Ministry of Education, guests outside the school, and representatives from the school professors and Vice President Xu Zhihong and Vice President Min Weifang opened the altar together. Vice Minister of Education Yuan Guiren, Xu Zhihong, President of Peking University, and other guests addressed respectively. After the ceremony, the academic lecture of the main venue was presided over by Professor Yuan Xingtao, director of Humanities Department. The five academic speakers are: Former Chairman of Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, Principal Consultant of China Securities Regulatory Commission Liang Ding Bang, SCO, Professor Ji Xianlin, Professor of Peking University, Professor Zao Zongyi, Professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Professor Huang Nansen and Zhang Weiying of Peking University. After the report was finished, Peking University Vice-Chancellor Min Wei direction to the academic speaker certificate and speech. The forum is held after Peking University Liberal Arts held in April this year, a sense of mass awareness mobilization meeting after another important move, it marks a step by step liberal arts
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