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一、4月份市场分析4月份,国内有机品市场价格全面上涨,国际原油价格大幅上行、市场货源供应紧张,同时芳烃类外盘价格保持上涨走势,下游开工随着季节转暖陆续增加,均为市场价格上涨提供了动力。4月份,纯苯(华东市场,下同)成交价格月初为6500元/吨,月底为7100元/吨;苯乙烯月初-月末价位9850-10600元/吨;甲苯:8000-8800元/吨:二甲苯:7700-8800元/吨;苯酚9650-13000元/吨:丙酮6850-6900元/吨。市场主要影响因素:4月市场走势特点及因素分析:1、纯苯市场启动万事具备:受原油强势上涨影响,纯苯外盘走势也较强硬,国内市场气氛也受到上游推动,中石化上海率先上涨至6800元/吨,华北炼厂报价也普遍上涨。之前纯苯内外盘倒挂严重的现象使得国内纯苯厂家损失巨大,为了应对国内供需矛盾,中石化对4-5月纯苯产量计划进行了大幅度调减,由于调减涉及多家工厂,有效减少纯苯资源投放量。另外,中石化还将充分利用来进料加工额度,组织纯苯产品的出口。而在此时,国际局势的动荡不安又推动原油价格迅速走高,亚洲纯苯不断涌现出高端成交、国内纯苯启动万事俱备。2、甲苯市场涨势迅猛:原油价格上行、货源紧张作用下,国内甲苯市场价格持续攀升,不过至月中市场出现停滞状态,下游工厂抵触情绪较 1. Market Analysis in April In April, the domestic market price of organic products rose in an all-round way. The international crude oil price went up sharply and the supply of goods in the market was tight. Meanwhile, the prices of aromatics outer disks kept going up. The downstream operation started to increase as the season warmed up. Price increases provide the impetus. In April, the transaction price of pure benzene (East China market, the same below) was 6,500 yuan / ton at the beginning of the month and 7,100 yuan / ton at the end of the month; the price of styrene at the beginning of the month- the end of the month was 9850-10600 yuan / ton; the toluene: 8000-8800 yuan / Xylene: 7700-8800 yuan / ton; phenol 9650-13000 yuan / ton: acetone 6850-6900 yuan / ton. Main Market Influencing Factors: Features and Factor Analysis of April Market: 1. All-benzene Market Launches Everything: Due to the strong rise of crude oil, the trend of pure benzene outer disk is also strong. The domestic market sentiment is also driven by the upstream. Sinopec Shanghai took the lead to rise to 6800 yuan / ton, North China refinery price also generally rose. In the past, pure benzene inside and outside the plate upside down serious domestic manufacturers made a huge loss of benzene, in order to deal with the contradiction between domestic supply and demand, Sinopec on April-May benzene production plan significantly reduced, due to the reduction involves a number of factories, effectively reducing Benzene resources put in volume. In addition, Sinopec will also make full use of the processing quotas to organize the export of pure benzene products. At this moment, the turmoil in the international situation has pushed the price of crude oil to rise rapidly. As the pure benzene in Asia continues to emerge in high-end transactions, the domestic pure benzene is ready to be started up. 2, toluene market gains rapidly: the crude oil prices upward, tight supply, the domestic toluene market prices continued to rise, but the stagnation in the market until mid-month, downstream factory resistance more
从小,我便怀有一个绮丽的文学梦,梦想着有朝一日自己的文字能变成书本上那样的方块铅字。其实,这个梦想一点儿也不难实现,但我却用了整整20年的光阴。  11歲,因为母亲突染重病,我小学还没毕业便辍学成了一名牧羊女,整天赶着一群羊在山坡上游荡,遭受风吹日晒雨淋。庆幸的是,我心中激荡的文学梦并没有因此而泯灭,反而越燃越旺。我一边牧羊,一边背《新华字典》。小学二年级时买的那本字典,自我辍学后就一直陪伴着我。
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