
来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:porminor100
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设计了一种用于直接驱动作动器(DDA)的电气/机械混合式四余度无刷直流力矩电动机。该电机具有同轴的两段定、转子,每段定子中隔槽嵌放两套绕组,从而构成电气/机械混合四余度。并且相对于采用机械传动装置连接两个电气双余度的设计方案,该电机体积、重量小,不存在机械传动装置间隙造成的非线性影响,降低了对余度间转矩均衡的要求,可以通过错极结构来减小定位转矩。设计过程中采用磁路法和磁场有限元计算对该电机进行了详细的分析计算。根据分析计算结果设计制造了原理样机,并进行了电机本体和DDA系统的性能实验。电机本体实验结果与分析计算的结果具有良好的吻合性;DDA系统空载时的电机实验结果表明该电机具有良好的动态特性。 An electrical / mechanical hybrid four-residue brushless DC torque motor designed for a direct-drive actuator (DDA) was designed. The motor has a coaxial two-stage stator and rotor, each stator slotted two sets of windings, which constitute the electrical / mechanical mixing four redundancy. Compared with the design of two electrical double redundancy using mechanical transmission, the motor has small volume and weight, non-linearity caused by the mechanical transmission gap, reduces the requirement for balance of torque between the redundancy, By positioning the wrong poles to reduce the positioning torque. In the design process, the magnetic circuit method and the magnetic field finite element calculation are used to analyze and calculate the motor in detail. According to the result of the analysis and calculation, the prototype of the prototype is designed and manufactured, and the performance experiments of the motor body and DDA system are carried out. The experimental results of the motor are in good agreement with the results of the analysis and calculation. The motor experiment results show that the motor has good dynamic characteristics.
我是一块瓷。  虽然我最初只是一抔土。虽然我曾经生活在金銮。虽然我现在沉睡在展台。  我就是一块瓷,普普通通的。端端正正,正正端端,驾坐在百年来的腥风血雨之上。  也许是那天,匠人俯首,恭敬地请他选择今年官窑新的颜色和花样。他一指蓝天,便要天蓝色。  天蓝色,初晴的天。是霓虹的底色,沉静温柔,磅礴大气。  于是我来了。从烈火里来。  我比釉里红更稳重,比天青色更淡漠,比五彩更沉着,比硬彩更温和。 
拆迁,作为城市化过程中一个不可回避的问题,在近期发生的几件事情的推波助澜下,已经成为国人集中关注的一个复杂的社会问题。 As an unavoidable problem in the process of
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本文详细分析了费用索赔特征、理由和证据,重点介绍了费用索赔评估方法及应用实例,可供项目计量支付管理参考。 This article analyzes in detail the characteristics, justi
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阿莘初来我们家时,才二十八天的年龄。我记得那是许多年前的一个下午,春天的下午。我之所以肯定是春天,是因为阿莘刚刚来到就把爷爷的那盆宝贝海棠不客气地抓了个稀巴烂,而那海棠是只在春天才开花的。从那个下午起,阿莘就成了我们家第六个成员。  除了属鼠的妈妈,家里另外四个人都视阿莘为公主。以致她每日一定要喝一次牛奶;睡觉一定要在我的枕头上;晚饭后则一定要在小菜圃里散步,直到把所有的菜苗抓烂。那次她在桌子上表