
来源 :湖北造纸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mjsega
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湖北省造纸质量工作会议于1997年11月4日至7日在蒲圻市召开。这次会议有42家纸厂,9家相关企业,67人参加。会上介绍了全国造纸工业情况及我省今年1—10月份生产现状,有6个企业进行大会发言,交流了质量管理方面的经验与做法。会议针对全省造纸产品存在的质量问题,要求明年产品质量要上档次上台阶。同时进行了产品质量评比,参评的品种由协会统一抽样,湖北省造纸质量检测站根据现行的标准,对纸样进行物理指标的测试,外观由质量评比委员打分。评委们本着实事求是的精神,认真负责的态度,对参评的纸样进行外观评定,连同物理指标检测结果,最后评出蒲圻纸厂的B等品书写纸等33个企业的43个产品为一级品,汉阳造纸厂的B等品胶印书刊纸等22个企业25个产品获同类产品第一名。本次会议还评出了11个连续三年获得一级品的产品,8个质量效益型先进企业,和11个单位的优秀质检科(处),并对上述有关单位颁发证书与奖状。 汉阳造纸厂李克诚高级工程师就如何适应 The papermaking quality work conference of Hubei Province was held in Puqi City from November 4 to 7, 1997. There were 42 paper mills, 9 related companies and 67 people participated in the conference. At the meeting, the national paper industry and the production status of our province from January to October this year were introduced. Six companies spoke at the conference and exchanged experiences and practices in quality management. Meeting for the existence of the province’s paper product quality, product quality requirements of next year to the grade on the steps. At the same time, product quality assessment was carried out. The varieties participated in the survey were uniformly sampled by the Association. According to the current standards, the papermaking quality inspection station of Hubei Province tested the physical indexes of the samples and the appearance was rated by the quality assessment committee. The judges, in a spirit of seeking truth from facts, and earnestly and responsibly, assessed the appearance of the participating papers, together with the results of physical indicators testing, and finally rated 43 products of 33 companies including the B-type product writing paper of Puqi Paper Mill. grade, B Hanyang paper mills and other products offset printing paper 22 enterprises 25 products by the first of similar products. The conference also identified 11 products that received first-grade products for three consecutive years, eight quality-benefit advanced enterprises, and 11 quality inspection departments (divisions), and issued certificates and certificates to the above-mentioned related units. Li Kecheng Senior Engineer of Hanyang Paper Mill Co., Ltd. How to Adapt
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