
来源 :四川烹饪 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liwuyi
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时下,人们将那些未经正规培训的厨师(或半路出家者),不按约定俗成的烹调方法“随意”创制出采的比较粗犷且刺激性较强的菜肴,称之为“江湖菜”。有人还特意替“江湖菜”做了如下归纳概括:即“江湖菜”最突出的特点有“五黑”,即“黑”起放海椒;“黑”起放花椒;“黑”起放味精、鸡精;“黑”起放油;“黑”起装盘。 如今,“江湖菜”不仅在巴蜀大地很火爆,就是在盆地以外出比较流行。细作分析不难发现,这种饮食现象自有它赖以生后和发展的社会土壤,更有一批嗜麻辣、求刺激的食客自觉地捧场。常常会出现这样的情况,一道江湖名菜“炒”热了一条街,甚至“炒”富了一方人。更有甚者,就因某种吃法或某道菜“江湖气”太浓,于是在一段时间里这种吃法、这道菜便突然成了各餐饮企业追逐的“时尚”。于是乎,一些中高档餐厅、酒楼为了在激烈的市场竞争中占得先机,也不惜花大力气有意识地去发掘、研制、包装“江湖菜”,如此一来,江湖菜便俨然形成了一个体系。 在今年初《重庆江湖菜》一书出版后,各地读者“食”后似乎还不过瘾,他们纷纷来电或来信询问:这本书是否已把江湖菜收齐了?并希望今后能有更多的“江湖菜”菜品问世。在此,我们特意将新收集到的巴蜀江湖系列菜品分期推出来,以飨热衷? Nowadays, people call the cheesy and stimulating dishes that are not “randomly prepared” by those who are not formally trained chefs (or those who leave home halfway) and who do not follow the established cooking methods. They call it “rivers and lakes dishes.” Some people also specifically for the “rivers and lakes food” made the following summary: The most prominent features of “rivers and lakes dishes” are “five black”, that is, “black” from the sea pepper; “black” release pepper; “black” , Chicken; “black” from the oil; “black” from the plate. Nowadays, “Jianghu Dish” is not only popular in the land of Bashu, but also popular outside the basin. Meticulous analysis is not difficult to find, this phenomenon of its own diet depends on the social soil after its birth and development, more a group of spicy food, seeking excitement diners consciously support. Often there will be such a situation, a famous dish “fried” a hot street, and even “fried” rich one party. What is more, as a result of a certain method of eating or a dish, “rivers and lakes,” too thick, so for some time to eat this way, this dish has suddenly become chasing the “fashion” of the catering business. Ever since, some high-end restaurants, restaurants in order to occupy an upper hand in the fierce market competition, also spared no effort to consciously explore, development, packaging, “rivers and lakes food”, as a result, rivers and lakes dishes just like the formation of a system. At the beginning of this year, after the publication of “Chongqing Jiangnv Dish”, the readers from all over China did not seem enjoyable after they had “eaten.” They all asked by phone or inquired whether the book had already been collected. And hope that in the future there will be more “rivers and lakes dishes” come out. Here, we deliberately introduced the newly collected series of Bashu riverside series to launch 以 keen?
洗澡和搓澡人人皆知,其实这里面有不少学问 讲到科学洗澡搓澡,还得由人的皮肤说起。皮肤覆盖着整个身体,最外层叫角质层,对保护人体有重要意义;皮肤里面有很多汗腺和皮脂腺,
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