UNIX VARIANTS How different are they?(Continued from last issue). For example,if a programmer wishes to zero out ablock of storage in System V Release 4,the command ismemset; BSD systems use the command bzero. “If people want to make sure their knowledge does-n’ t become obsolete,they should train on [System V Re-lease 4] because it is where there has been a large effortto bring all this stuff together, ” says Ray Swartz, presi-dent of Berkeley Decision Systems, makers of Trainingon Video products for learning Unix.
UNIX VARIANTS How different are they?? (Continued from last issue). For example, if a programmer wishes to zero out ablock of storage in System V Release 4, the command ismemset; BSD systems use the command bzero. “If people want to make sure their knowledge does-n ’t become obsolete, they should train on [System V Re-lease 4] because it is where there has been a large effort to bring all this stuff together, ”says Ray Swartz, presi- dent of Berkeley Decision Systems, makers of Trainingon Video products for learning Unix.