RAPD marker linked with sbm-1, a gene conferring resistance to pea seed-born mosaic virus

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong441
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DNA markers linked with trait of disease-resistance offer a very useful tool forselection of putative disease-resistant progeny and cloning disease-resistant genes.Peaseed-born mosaic virus(PSbMV)is spread mainly through planting infected pea seeds andby non-persistent aphid transmission.Three strains of PSbMV have been identified,designated as P-1,L and P-4.Strain P-1 is most widely distributed.Four recessive genes DNA markers linked with trait of disease-resistance offer a very useful tool forselection of putative disease-resistant progeny and cloning disease-resistant genes. Peaced-born mosaic virus (PSbMV) is spread mainly through planting infected pea seeds and by non-persistent aphid transmission .Three of PSbMV have been identified, designated as P-1, L and P-4.Strain P-1 is most widely distributed. Fur recessive genes
急性肺栓塞(acute pulmonary embolism,APE)是指内源性或外源性栓子经静脉回流而嵌塞在肺动脉及其分支,导致组织血液供应受阻所引起的一系列临床和病理生理综合征.流行病学研
板栗高接换优是提高实生栗园产量的根本措施。目前我县多采用多头插皮高接的方法,要提高嫁接成活率应掌握以下技术要点: 一、保证接穗质量。选择目前推广的优质品种,采集无
2个月零29 d龄男性患儿,全身红斑、脱屑2个月余,加重20 d.全身皮肤弥漫性潮红,头面部大量脂痂及鳞屑,躯干及四肢大片叶状脱屑.血乳酸8.7 mmol/L,尿液3-羟基-异戊酸31.1μmol/
1949年。国民党历经在中国大陆的全面溃败、退守台湾后,展开了长达近四十年的“戒严时期”。当然,这只是台湾官方的说法,我们应该将这段历史正名为“白色恐怖”。六张犁,应当是发生在这个时期众多事件的典型,是这段历史标志性的符号。  一个细雨霏霏的早晨,我们准备去找寻台北六张犁墓地。头天晚上,我又将日本学者横地刚《南天之虹——把“二·二八”事件刻在版画上的人》一书看了一遍在台北市的东南偏东方向,有一个叫
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在蔬菜育苗过程中,常因天气及管理不当,出现不正常生长情况。如不采取措施加以防治,就会影响定植。 一、沤根,表现为根部发黄枯萎,叶片深绿不宜舒展,部分叶边缘或全部枯黄。