
来源 :工会理论研究.上海工会管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kissface
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在马中友协的精心安排下,以袁觉英院长为团长的上海工会管理干部学院访问马耳他共和国代表团(以下简称代表团)一行5人,于2002年4月21日~27日访问了马耳他共和国。代表团在马耳他期间受到了热情友好地接待,马耳他国家教育部部长、社会保障部部长、旅游部部长和桑塔露西亚市市长分别接见了代表团全体成员,并同代表团成员进行了亲切交谈。中华人民共和国驻马耳他共和国大使在大使馆官邸会见了代表团全体成员,进行亲切交谈,并合影留念。代表团还访问了马耳他大学、马耳他旅游职业技术学院、马耳他工业联合会和马耳他商业联合会,并就双方合作交流进行了商谈:代表团参观考察了马耳他博物馆、马耳他史前遗址、马耳他古城堡和马耳他国家港口等地,进一步加深对马耳他历史、文化的了解,增强了与马耳他工会、马耳他工人的友谊。 Under the conscientious arrangement of the China Friendship Association of Malaysia, the delegation of the Republic of Malta (hereinafter referred to as the delegation) headed by President Yuan Jue-ying of the Shanghai Institute of Trade Unions Management visited the Republic of Malta from April 21 to April 27, 2002 Republic. The delegation received a warm and friendly reception during Malta. The Minister of Education of Maltese, the Minister of Social Security, the Minister of Tourism and the Mayor of Santa Lucia met with all the members of the delegation and were cordial with the delegation members chat. The Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Malta met with all the members of the delegation at the embassy residence for cordial conversation and posed for a group photo. The delegation also visited the University of Malta, the Malta Institute of Tourism Technology, the Malta Federation of Industries and the Malta Business Federation. They also held talks on cooperation and exchange between the two sides: the delegation visited the Malta Museum, the prehistoric site of Malta, the ancient castle of Malta and Malta National ports and other places to further deepen their understanding of Malta’s history and culture and enhance their friendship with the Maltese trade unions and workers in Malta.
现代科学技术迅猛发展 ,深刻地改变着当代经济社会生活和世界的面貌。二次世界大战后 ,一系列新物种、新现象、新规律的发现 ,掀起了人类新技术革命的浪潮。目前 ,世界上出现
一、“塞上明珠”话今昔座落在贺兰山下的宁夏民族化工集团有限责任公司 ,是一个拥有11个生产性分厂 ,3000多名职工的化工部重点企业。公司始建于1970年。民化人靠艰苦创业 ,不畏艰难困
精炼、形象、概括和含蓄是诗歌语言的一般特征 ,分析诗歌的语言 ,发掘它的深刻含义 ,是诗歌教学的重要手段之一。下面 ,我想就诗歌语言教学谈点点滴体会与同行们共勉、共商、