我国毒蘑菇已有百种以上。近些年来,在研究鉴定各地标本时,又陆续发现了一批毒蘑菇。这些种类在《毒蘑菇》一书中均未有记述。为了便于利用丰富的野生食用菌资源,防止误食这类毒菌而引起中毒,现就以下十种毒菇的形态及生态习性作一介绍。 (一)胶陀螺(Bulgoria ingarinan8):别名猪咀蘑、木海螺、木海参,子囊菌纲、蜡钉菌目、胶陀螺科、胶陀螺属。夏秋簇生于桦、柞木等阔叶树皮及腐木上。黑褐
China has more than 100 kinds of poisonous mushrooms. In recent years, when examining and examining local specimens, a number of poisonous mushrooms have been discovered one after another. These species are not described in the book “Poisonous mushrooms.” In order to facilitate the use of rich resources of wild mushrooms, to prevent the ingestion of such germs caused by poisoning, are on the following ten kinds of mushroom morphology and ecological habits to make an introduction. (A) Bulgoria ingarinan (algae): alias Mushroom, wood conch, sea cucumber, ascomycete class, Corydalis, gyrospora, gossypi. Summer flowers in birch, oak and other broad-leaved bark and rotten wood. Dark brown