依法行政 积极推进基层民主建设

来源 :北京市农业管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AEXSN
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随着农村改革的不断深入,经济和社会发展步伐的加快,在领导管理农村各项事务中,出现了许多新情况、新问题,如土地承包、收缴提留款和经济纠纷等等。这些矛盾和问题,即绕不开,也躲不过,必须重视,及时处理。要处理解决好这些问题,就要提高警惕各级干部的科学管理水平,尤其要提高乡、村干部依法行政的水平和能力。从当前农村的现实来看,依法行政的重要性体现在以下几点: 一、依法行政是农村稳定的需要。 邓小平同志反复强调,“压倒一切的是需要稳定”。稳定是社会进步发展的基本条件。如何实现农村长期稳定,保证农民利益的实现,是关系农村现代化的重要前提。过去我们习惯采用行政手段、强迫命令或“一刀切”的办法来处理解决农村的矛盾和问题,这在农民利益关系比较单一的情况下,还能行得通。但随着农村改革不断向纵深方向发展,在农民利益关系调 With the continuous deepening of rural reform and the acceleration of economic and social development, many new situations and new problems have emerged in the leadership and management of various rural affairs, such as land contracting, collection of retention monies and economic disputes. These contradictions and problems, that can not be untouchable or hidden, must be taken seriously and dealt with promptly. To solve these problems, we must be vigilant to all levels of cadres in the scientific management level, in particular, to improve the level and ability of township and village officials in accordance with the law. From the reality of the current rural areas, the importance of administering the country according to law is reflected in the following points. First, administration by law is a requirement of rural stability. Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized repeatedly that “overriding needs stability.” Stability is the basic condition for social progress and development. How to realize long-term rural stability and ensure the realization of peasants’ interests are important prerequisites for the modernization of rural areas. In the past, we were accustomed to using administrative measures, forced orders or “one size fits all” solutions to solve the contradictions and problems in the rural areas. This can work well under the relatively simple interests of peasants. However, as the rural reform continues to develop in depth, the interests of peasants tune
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