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随着我们步入21世纪,商业世界充满了有关电子商务的问题。尽管目前电子销售只代表一小部分的经济活动,但互联网已经展现出无限的潜能,它既是一个管道,也是一个传统商业模式的破坏者。为了说明互联网在人类新纪元给商业带来的变化,本刊特邀几位长期以来对电子商业颇为关注的专家,与读者分享他们的思想和对未来的预测。 阿德里安·斯莱沃兹基(Adrian J.Slywotzky),系管理顾问兼作家,对商业模式的发展有过大量的论著。他相信,电子商务的出现,将加速权力向消费者的转化进程,最终导致公司与顾客的关联方式和公司之间的竞争方式发生根本性的变化。哈佛商学院的克莱顿·克里斯坦森(Clayton M.Christensen)教授和理查德·泰罗(Richard S.Tedlow)教授将互联网视为一个破坏性技术的典范,认为它将改变零售业竞争的基础。他们通过考察零售业过去的分化,认为目前所发生的只是一种历史性的循环,至少部分如此。最后,编辑过大量有关电子商务文章的本刊的高级编辑尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas G.Carr),过去两年曾通过考察网络经济活动的分化,认为网络将成为经济活动的“超级中介”,点击鼠标的收益将高于传统的商品销售。 几位专家的分析可谓别树一帜,见仁见智,但分歧的背后却不乏真知灼见。 As we enter the 21st century, the business world is full of questions about e-commerce. Although electronic sales represent only a small part of economic activity at present, the Internet has shown its boundless potential as both a conduit and a sabotage for a traditional business model. In order to illustrate the changes Internet brings to business in the new era of mankind, this journal has invited several experts who have long been interested in electronic commerce to share their thoughts and forecasts with the readers. Adrian J.Slywotzky, a management consultant and author, has a large number of treatises on the development of business models. He believes that the advent of e-commerce will speed up the process of transforming power into consumers, ultimately resulting in fundamental changes in the way companies connect with their customers and the way companies compete. Professors Clayton M. Christensen and Richard S. Tedlow at Harvard Business School saw the Internet as a model of disruptive technology that would change the way the retail industry The basis of competition. By looking at the retail division’s past, they argue that what is happening now is only a historic cycle, at least in part. Finally, Nicholas G. Carr, a senior editor of the journal who edited a large number of articles on e-commerce, over the past two years examined the division of economic activities in the network and considered the network as a “super agent” of economic activity. Click The benefits of the mouse will be higher than the traditional sales of goods. The analysis of several experts can be described as unique, with different opinions, but there is no lack of insight behind the differences.
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This work demonstrates the realization of a lasing in scattering media,which contains dispersive solution of Zn O nanoparticles(NPs) and laser dye 4-dicyanometh