Teleconnection Patterns along the Asian Jet Associated with Different Combinations of Convection Osc

来源 :Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinaiddm599
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A zonal teleconnection has been found along the Asian jet over the Eurasian continent during summer.In this study,the authors investigated circulation anomalies in the extratropics,in particular for the zonal teleconnection,under different combinations of subtropical convection anomalies over the northern Indian continent (IND) and the western North Pacific (WNP).The outof-phase configuration (i.e.,stronger (weaker) IND convection and weaker (stronger) WNP convection) was found to be more common than the in-phase configuration (i.e.,stronger (weaker) IND convection and stronger (weaker) WNP convection),which is consistent with previous results.Composite results indicated that circulation anomalies for out-of-phase configurations of 30-60-day convection oscillations are much stronger in the middle latitudes than those for in-phase configurations.In addition,zonal teleconnection patterns are predominant for the out-of-phase configurations,particularly for the configuration of strong IND convection and weak WNP convection;however,they are either weak or obscure for the in-phase configurations.These results suggest that the zonal teleconnection pattern along the Asian jet is dependent on different combinations of the IND and WNP subtropical convection anomalies. A zonal teleconnection has been found along the Asian jet over the Eurasian continent during summer. In this study, the authors had circulation anomalies in the extratropics, in particular for the zonal teleconnection, under different combinations of subtropical convection anomalies over the northern Indian continent ( IND) and the western North Pacific (WNP). The outof-phase configuration (ie, stronger (weaker) IND convection and weaker (stronger) WNP convection) was found to be more common than the in-phase configuration weaker) IND convection and stronger (weaker) WNP convection), which is consistent with previous results. Compite results indicated that circulation anomalies for out-of-phase configurations of 30-60-day convection oscillations are much stronger in the middle latitudes than those for in-phase configurations.In addition, zonal teleconnection patterns are predominant for the out-of-phase configurations, particularly for the configuration of strong IND convection and weak WNP convection; however, they are either weak or obscure for the in-phase configurations.These results suggest that the zonal teleconnection pattern along the Asian jet is dependent on different combinations of the IND and WNP subtropical convection anomalies.
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