Vehicle conflict resolution algorithm at non-signalized crossing based on inter-vehicle communicatio

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonytanli
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A vehicle conflict detection and resolution method is proposed based on the concept of vehicle infrastructure integration ( Ⅶ) system to prevent vehicle accident beforehand at blind crossing. After analyzing traffic conflict characteristics and vehicle collision scenarios at intersection,a vehicle dynamics model and an intervehicle communication method are discussed. In the inter-vehicle communication environment,the relative relationship between two encountered vehicles are designed. Then vehicle conflict detection and resolution algorithms under two conflict scenarios are put forward to represent the conflict-free movements of vehicles with adjusting vehicle velocity at crossing. Finally,simulation studies are carried out and the results prove that the proposed algorithms are effective for vehicle conflict resolution at blind crossing. A vehicle conflict detection and resolution method is proposed based on the concept of vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) system to prevent vehicle accident beforehand at blind at intersection. A vehicle dynamics model and an intervehicle communication Then the vehicle conflict detection and resolution algorithms under two conflic scenarios are put forward to represent the conflict-free movement of vehicles with adjusting vehicle velocity at Finally, simulation studies are carried out and the results prove that the proposed algorithms are effective for vehicle conflict resolution at blind crossing.
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