铅山县汪二镇 引凤先栽梧桐树 发展首当修公路

来源 :大江周刊(焦点) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozuzi2009
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汪二镇位于铅山县西北部的信江南岸,东与新滩乡、河口镇、虹桥乡接壤,南毗湖坊镇,西临弋阳县,北隔信江和横峰县相望。镇治所汪二渡,循公路至县城河口镇22公里,距上饶市63公里;离梨温高速5公里,320国道5.5公里。汪二镇行政区域总面积146.6平方公里。下辖16个行政村,1个街道居委会及汪二垦殖场、新安林场,共有村民小组209个。2012年财政收入为1600万元。2006年以前,16个行政村有10个不通水泥路,更不用说自然村道路硬化,因此给群众生产生活带来极大不便,很大程度上制约了汪二经济社会发展。2006年以来,汪二镇党委、镇政府始终将农村公路建设 Wang Er Town is located in the south bank of Xinyang County, northwest of Qianshan County. It is bordered by Xintan Township, Hekou Town and Hongqiao Township in the east, Hufang Town in the south, Yiyang County in the west, and Hebei Province and Hengfeng County in the north. Township government Wang Erdu, follow the road to the county town of Hekou 22 kilometers, 63 kilometers away from Shangrao; 5 kilometers away from the temperature of pear high, State Road 320 5.5 kilometers. Wang Erzhen administrative area of ​​a total area of ​​146.6 square kilometers. Under the jurisdiction of 16 administrative villages, a street neighborhood and Wang Er Kenzi, Xin’an forest farm, a total of 209 village groups. 2012 fiscal revenue of 16 million yuan. Prior to 2006, there were 10 non-through cement roads in 16 administrative villages, not to mention hardened roads in villages, which brought great inconvenience to people’s production and life and restricted the economic and social development of Wang Er to a great extent. Since 2006, Wang Erzheng town party committee and town government has always been building rural roads
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